Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Путь к Вере — глубокое слушание Дхармы Амиды

Что мы можем сделать для того, чтобы обрести Веру (Синдзин)?
Мы должны до тех пор внимательно прислушиваться к учению о всеобъемлющем спасении Амиды, пока не поймем его и не примем своим сердцем и разумом.
Мастеру Рэннё принадлежат слова:
"Как бы сильны ни были ваши сомнения, если вы будете внимательно, всем своим существом,  слушать [Дхарму Амиды], вы обязательно обретёте Синдзин благодаря Великому Состраданию [Будды Амиды]. Буддийское учение начинается со слушания и заканчивается им"

Sunday, March 1, 2020

8 pautas para proteger y transmitir la fe en el Buda Amida/8 Elementos de Fe genuina (Shinjin)

                       Juan Sebastián Hincapié Arana

Muchas personas me han pedido una guía detallada y estricta sobre cómo pensar y actuar en asuntos relacionados con la fe (shinjin), para que no caigan en puntos de vista erróneos, ni sean causa de puntos de vista erróneos para otros. Como probablemente saben si leen mi libro El significado de la fe y el nembutsuen el budismo Jodo Shinshu, siempre enseño que la fe genuina en el Buda Amida tiene posee elementos:

1) Aceptar la existencia real y literal del Buda Amida y Su Tierra Pura

Friday, February 14, 2020

Words before and after meals

in the kitchen of Amidaji temple

I was asked to offer instructions on what to say before and after meals. This is the formula I use daily, and I advise you to do the same alone or with your family:

Before the meals:
Amida Buddha, I (we) receive this food with gratitude. May it help me (us) on your Path for the benefit of all beings.
Namo Amida Bu

After the meal:
Amida Buddha, may all beings who contributed to this meal and those in whose name was offered be healthy in body and mind, always receive what is beneficial to them, have food, drink, clothes, and shelter, make indestructible connections with you, entrust to you, say your Name (Namo Amida Bu) and wish to be born in your Pure Land.
Namo Amida Bu

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Comentario sobre el Sutra del Buda de Vida Infinita (edición gratuita)

Portada de la versión inglesa

En primer lugar, debe entenderse claramente que este no es un estudio académico, secular o histórico, sino un comentario religioso. Su objetivo es explicar en términos fáciles de entender el significado profundo del Sutra más grande[1] para que así las personas puedan recibir fe en el Buda Amida[2] y nacer en Su Tierra Pura después de la muerte. Yo, el autor de este comentario, acepto con fe el contenido del sutra y considero que describe eventos reales, un Buda real y existente llamado Amida y un lugar iluminado real llamado la Tierra Pura. El deseo de mi corazón es que los lectores lleguen a compartir la misma opinión para que surja la verdadera fe y aspiración en ellos. Hay muchas maneras de leer el Sutra más grande y existen varias capas de  interpretación, por eso se benefician diferentes tipos de practicantes: aquellos que optan por enfocarse en el Buda Amida pero aún se aferran a su poder propio como seguidores de los votos 19 y 20, así como los seguidores del Voto Primordial (el Voto 18) quienes son practicantes que confían exclusivamente en el poder del Buda Amida.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Единая Колесница Изначального Обета— наивысшее учение Шакьямуни и всех других Будд

Очень важно понять, что Синран Сёнин считал Изначальный Обет и учение, объясняющее его, не просто одним из путей среди множества других методов Махаяны, но высшей буддийской Колесницей, Единой Колесницей Изначального Обета (Универсального Обета), самым важным учением всех Будд, истинной, скрытой причиной их появления в нашем мире. Он говорил:
"Почтительно возглашаю всем тем, кто ищет Возрождения, океан Единой Колесницы Универсального Обета"[1]
"Когда я размышляю об океане Единой Колесницы Изначального Обета, я вижу, что это всепроникающее, совершенное, беспрепятственное, абсолютное и несравненное учение, которое приносит самый быстрый эффект"[2]

Monday, January 27, 2020

The prostitute of Muro, a disciple of Honen Shonin

"When Honen arrived at the port of Muro on his way into exile on Shikoku in the spring of 1207, a small boat drew near carrying a woman of the night. She said to Honen, "I heard that this was your boat, and I have come to meet you. There are many ways of getting on in the world, but what terrible acts could have been committed in a former life of mine to bring me into such a miserable life as this? What can a woman who carries a load of karma like mine do to escape and be saved in the world to come?"

Honen compassionately replied, "Your guilt in living such a life is surely great and the penalties seem incalculable. If you can find another means of livelihood, give this up at once. But if you can’t, or if you are not yet ready to sacrifice your very life for the true way, begin just as you are and call on the sacred Name (Namo Amida Butsu). It is for just such deluded folk as you that Amida Buddha made that wonderfully comprehensive Primal Vow (hongan). So put your full trust in it without the smallest reservation. If you rely upon the Primal Vow and repeat the Nembutsu, your Ojo (birth in the Pure Land) is absolutely certain." Thus kindly taught, the woman began to weep out of joy. Later, Honen said of her, "She is a woman of strong faith. She is sure to attain Ojo."

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kyo Amidabutsu (Shiro Amano) of Kawachi Province

Public teaching by Honen

According to Amidaji calendar, on January 26th we celebrate Kyo Amidabutsu (Shiro Amano), a disciple of Honen Shonin. Here are some discussions between him and Honen and the story of his conversion:

"In the province of Kawachi near present-day Osaka, there lived a man called Shiro Amano who was the leader of a gang of thieves. He passed most of his life murdering people and stealing their goods. But after he had grown old, he came under Honen's influence and gave himself over to spiritual life, taking the name of Kyo Amidabutsu. Sometime later he found Honen in the main hall of the temple and said to him, "I have no relatives in the city, so it’ll be hard for me to stay here much longer. I have a friend living in the province of Sagami near Kamakura, and I’m intending to go and ask him to let me stay with him. As I’m already an old man, it’ll be hard for me to come and see you again. Of course, I’m only an ignorant person, so even if I were told all the deepest teachings of the Dharma, it wouldn’t be of much use to me since I wouldn’t understand them. I’d like just one word from you about what I should do to make sure of Birth in the Pure Land, and that I’ll try to remember all my life."

Dharma talks on my youtube channel