Showing posts with label MY BOOKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY BOOKS. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024


El papel de un profesor es simplificar las cosas y esto es exactamente lo que intento hacer a través de mis libros. Escojo y elijo lo que es fácil de entender de los muchos volúmenes de los textos sagrados y los organizo y explico de tal manera que tanto el tonto como el erudito puedan entender y recibir fe (shinjin).
También trato de hacer conexiones útiles entre varios Maestros y sus enseñanzas. Por ejemplo, en este libro muestro que Honen y su discípulo Shinran hablaron en el mismo lenguaje de la fe y que esencialmente daban la misma enseñanza, aunque a veces las palabras y el contexto fueran diferentes.
Entre los muchos dichos de Honen elegí algunos en este libro y en mis otros libros pues los considero muy importantes. Estos pasajes y comentarios pueden servir como el estándar de lectura y comprensión de la Enseñanza de Honen Shonin en nuestra rama Amidaji del Budismo Jodo Shinshu.
Estoy muy agradecido con mi amigo del Dharma el Reverendo Kosho Arana de Colombia por traducir el libro al español.
Namo Amida Bu

Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en pdf:

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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Monday, December 13, 2021

NEW book! Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Teachings - second revised edition

Jodo Shinshu does not give moral speeches and it doesn’t contain difficult practices. While other Buddhist methods talk about the ideal of Buddhahood and the possibility to attain it in this life, Jodo Shinshu starts with the sense of failure.

It is a simple path for ordinary people like you and me, lost from morning till evening in the fight for daily survival, filled with illusions and attachments to which we see neither the beginning nor the end. Jodo Shinshu is not a path for saints, but for losers, for those who cannot attain by themselves anything stable in the spiritual life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Path Between the Thorns - my spiritual autobiography

 At this link you can read the spiritual biographies of other members of Amidaji International Temple

My spiritual life is nothing special and it does not deserve a book. However, I decided to write about it because I prefer to be the one who tells my own story and I think that some events of my missionary activity as well as my interactions with various peoples and institutions should be put on paper as long as they are still fresh in my mind.

I called this book The Path Between the Thorns because for me, the 18 years since I became a priest where a constant fighting and struggle against inner and outer obstacles placed in my way by my own delusions as well as proponents of wrong views. I am happy to say that despite all these, I have never lost my Path, and although the thorns sometimes hurt my feet, I always knew the right direction to take as Amida Buddha and the true teaching of Shakyamuni and the lineage Masters were always my guiding light.

There are some things in this biography, like events, fragments of letters and discussions that many wished to be forgotten. However, I think that people should know about them and come to their own conclusions on that fragment of Jodo Shinshu history where I myself am just a small piece. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

NEW BOOK! Worshipping Amida Buddha - Liturgies and ceremonies of Amidaji Temple

Jodo Shinshu is the school of the Primal Vow. Everything we do in our religious life must be in accord with the three things mentioned by Amida Buddha in His Primal Vow: “entrust to me, say my Name (Nembutsu) and wish to be born in my land”.

I have already explained in my book The Meaning of Faith and Nembutsu in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and in my Commentary on the Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life[1], everything you need to know about the Primal Vow, faith (entrusting) and Nembutsu, so please read those instructions carefully. 

All parts of this present book, every word and explanation are intended to help you focus exclusively on Amida Buddha and remember Him in all aspects of your daily life. Although it is dedicated to the Sangha of Amidaji International Temple, I hope that non-members will also find it useful. No initiation or empowerment are needed to follow the liturgies and instructions presented here, so feel free to pick and choose what you like. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

O Verdadeiro ensino sobre Amida Buddha e sua Terra Pura

Capa da versao inglesa

Este livro é um projeto de longo prazo que começou há alguns anos como um reação ao aparecimento na sangha internacional de alguns divergentes pontos de vista que ameaçam destruir as chances de muitas pessoas ouvirem o verdadeiro Amida Dharma. É também um trabalho em andamento, e o leitor pode esperar que eu volte de novo, mais cedo ou mais tarde, com novas edições e melhorias.

Como todos sabemos, o Dharma é o segundo tesouro do Três Tesouros (Buda, Dharma e Sangha) nos quais todos nós nos refugiamos quando nos tornamos discípulos budistas. Em termos simples, o papel da Sangha é garantir uma transmissão genuína do Dharma como era ensinada pelo Buda Shakyamuni e pelos Mestres da nossa tradição, de modo que todos nós podemos receber fé (shinjin) e alcançar o estado de Buda na Terra Pura. Sem essa transmissão adequada, não há realmente nenhuma Sangha e nenhuma possibilidade de Libertação de nascimento e morte, isto é, não há chance de nos tornarmos Budas.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Los 48 votos del Buda Amida (edición gratuita)

Portada de la versión inglesa

En el momento en que Dharmakara se convirtió en el Buda Amida, Sus 48 votos y Su Tierra Pura se transformaron en métodos reales y eficaces para la salvación de los seres sintientes. Este libro es mi intento personal de proporcionar explicaciones fáciles de entender sobre los votos, para que la gente pueda vivir de acuerdo con ellos y adquirir la verdadera y real salvación del nacimiento y la muerte.
Para una mejor comprensión dividí los 48 votos del Buda Amida de la siguiente manera:

1. Votos sobre el Buda Amida y su Tierra Pura.
Estos votos se explicarán en el primer capítulo.
2. Los votos relacionados con la salvación de todos los seres sintientes – Se explican en el segundo capítulo.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

El significado de la fe y el nembutsu en el Budismo Jodo Shinshu (edición gratuita)

Portada de la versión inglesa

Este libro es, como muestra el título, un intento de explicar el significado de la fe y el Nembutsu de acuerdo con la enseñanza de nuestra escuela Jodo Shinshu.
Comienzo mis explicaciones con el Voto Primordial del Buda Amida porque sin él no habría Jodo Shinshu. Como dijo Shinran:

"Si el Voto Primal de Amida es verdadero, la enseñanza de Shakyamuni no puede ser falsa. Si las enseñanzas del Buda son verdaderas, los comentarios de Shan-tao no pueden ser falsos. Si los comentarios de Shan-tao son ciertos, ¿pueden las palabras de Honen  ser mentiras? Si las palabras de Honen son ciertas, entonces seguramente lo que digo no puede ser vacío”. [1]

Friday, May 17, 2019


Portada de la versión inglesa

Los Cuatro Pensamientos Profundos son enseñanzas básicas, algo como una etapa preliminar a cualquier camino o práctica budista. Tienen el efecto de orientar la mente hacia el Dharma del Buda y deben ser un compañero constante no importa si uno es un principiante o un seguidor veterano. A veces se  denominan como las Cuatro contemplaciones, los cuatro Entendimientos o los cuatro Recordatorios. Dado que en este libro los explico en el contexto de la Puerta del Dharma de la Tierra Pura de la escuela Jodo Shinshu (El Dharma de Amida), decidí llamarlos los Cuatro Pensamientos profundos que orientan la mente hacia el Dharma de Amida. Estos pensamientos profundos son:

Monday, April 15, 2019


Portada de la versión inglesa

Este libro es un proyecto a largo plazo que comenzó hace unos años como reacción a la aparición en la sangha internacional de algunas opiniones divergentes que amenazan con destruir las posibilidades de que muchas personas escuchen el genuino Dharma de Amida. También es un trabajo en progreso, y el lector puede esperar que vuelva, tarde o temprano, con nuevas ediciones y mejoras.

Como todos sabemos, el Dharma es el segundo de los Tres Tesoros (Buda, Dharma y Sangha) en los que todos nos refugiamos cuando nos convertimos en discípulos budistas. En pocas palabras, el papel de la Sangha es asegurar una transmisión genuina del Dharma como fue enseñado por el Buda Shakyamuni y los Maestros de nuestra tradición (Jodo Shinshu), para que todos podamos recibir fe (shinjin) y alcanzar la Budeidad en la Tierra Pura. Sin tal transmisión adecuada, en realidad no hay Sangha y no hay posibilidad para la liberación del nacimiento y la muerte, es decir, no hay posibilidad para convertirnos a nosotros mismos en budas.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Meaning of Faith and Nembutsu in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (free online edition)

This book is, as the title shows, an attempt to explain the meaning of faith and Nembutsu in accordance with the teaching of our school.
I start my explanations with the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha because without it there would be no Jodo Shinshu. As Shinran said:

“If Amida’s Primal Vow is true, Shakyamuni’s teaching cannot be false. If the Buddha’s teaching is true, Shan-tao’s commentaries cannot be false. If Shan-tao’s commentaries are true can Honen’s words be lies? If Honen’s words are true, then surely what I say cannot be empty.”[1]

Every Buddhist school has a lineage of transmission. Ours starts with Amida Buddha, then continues with Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha, the seven Masters, Shinran Shonin, Rennyo Shonin and any true teacher that came after them and was loyal to the Primal Vow. What all the representatives of our lineage said with one voice is that the Primal Vow is true and that it contains everything we need for our attainment of Buddhahood in the Pure Land of Amida.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

My book The Four Profound Thoughts Which Turn the Mind Towards Amida Dharma (free online edition)

I am happy to share with you the free online edition of my new book, The Four Profound Thoughts Which Turn the Mind Towards Amida Dharma. This is the improved and proofreaded version of the teaching series you probably saw on this website.

About the book (from the Foreword):
The Four Profound Thoughts are basic teachings, something like a preliminary to any Buddhist path or practice. It has the effect of turning the mind towards the Buddha Dharma and should be a constant companion no matter if one is a beginner or an older follower. Sometimes they are reffered to as the Four Contemplations, the Four Understandings or the Four Reminders. Because in this book I explain them in the context of the Pure Land Dharma Gate of Jodo Shinshu (Amida Dharma), I decided to call them the Four Profound Thoughts which Turn the Mind Towards the  Amida Dharma. These Profound Thoughts are:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My book - The True Teaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land

I am happy to share with you the free online edition of my book, The True Teaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land.
This is a long term project which has begun a few years ago as a reaction to the appearance in the international sangha of some divergent views which threaten to destroy the chances of many people to listen to the genuine Amida Dharma. It is also a work in progress, and the reader can expect that I will come back again, sooner or later, with new editions and improvements.

Click here to order a printed copy:

Here are the links where you can download it for free:

The audio version is now available on my youtube channel:
If you have difficulties in downloading it, please write to me at, and I will send you a copy myself.

If you can afford, please consider a small donation to support me and my Dharma activities, and especialy the construction of Amidaji Temple (click here to see all articles and photos related with the temple).:

Namo Amida Butsu

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Path of Acceptance - commentary on Tannisho

This book is an adaptation of my Dharma talks on the sacred text of Tannisho – Notes on Lamenting Divergences, given  at Tariki Dojo Craiova during the usual days of practice. Each chapter is explained in easy to understand terms so that to be accesible to beginers and the general public.
If you wish to support me and my Dharma activities, please consider a small donation:

[1] Jodo Shinshu means „the true teaching of the Pure Land school”. 

Dharma talks on my youtube channel