Click here to watch more videos in the DHARMA TALK playlist. There are more than 170 videos there until now, so you'll certainly find one that is useful to you.
Orthodox Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Teachings. Official website of Amidaji organization.
Click here to watch more videos in the DHARMA TALK playlist. There are more than 170 videos there until now, so you'll certainly find one that is useful to you.
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Rev Kosho Arana at Amidaji |
I would like to ask some questions:
Was Amitabha Buddha actually preached by
Shakyamuni Buddha or was he later invented as an Upaya by the Mahayana saints? Are
Amitabha Buddha and The Pure Land literally real or an archetype? Buddha-Dharma
says that all dharmas (phenomena) are sealed with three realities: pain,
impermanence and selflessness. How can Sukhavati be an eternal realm now?
Sincerely, A-Mi-To-Fo
Thank you for your questions. They are
very important.
I will answer them as best I can.
The teachings about Amida Buddha (Amitabha Buddha) are an essential part of more than 290 Sutras in the Mahayana Canon, especially the Sukavativyuha or the Larger Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life which was preached by Shakyamuni Buddha. This teaching has been praised by many Mahayana masters including but not limited to Bodhisattva Nagarjuna, Bodhisattva Vasubandhu, Bodhisattva Asanga, Master Tan Luan, Master Tao Ch’o, Master Shantao, Master Honen and Master Shinran. Shakyamuni Buddha Himself taught in many sutras the existence of innumerable Enlightened Realms outside Samsara, called Pure Lands which are created by different Buddhas according to their specific vows.
Articles related with this video teaching,
The True Teaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure LandI know that many fake "Buddhists" will dislike this video but truth must be told. Stop mixing Buddhism with Christianity or other religions! By mixing religions or saying stupid things like Jesus was a Bodhisattva or a Buddhist monk you do a disservice to both Buddhism and Christianity.
Bellow the video I give you a few links to articles that explain Buddhist cosmology. Read and know the difference between Buddhism and monotheistic religions in Buddha’s own words and in the explanations of various Masters.
Buddhas are real, living, enlightened Ones. Amida is a real, living, enlightened Buddha. Unenlightened beings like us cannot say that the reality of the Buddhas is mythological, symbolical or metaphorical, thus denying their actual existence. They should rather see their own so-called samsaric reality as dreamlike and illusional and the reality of the Buddhas as truly real. Unlike us, samsaric beings, Buddhas (Amida included) have their existence grounded in the ultimate Reality of Nirvana which makes them truly real and alive. Thus, it is stupid, harmful and demonic to relate to the Buddhas as to symbols, metaphors or myths when they are actually more real and alive than us.
Honen Shonin said:
"Just because one relies solely upon Amida Buddha and believes only in Nembutsu, do not make light of the compassionate vows of various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or think ill of and slander wondrous sutras such as the Lotus Sutra or the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. The karma of defaming myriad Buddhas and of doubting and slandering many holy teachings is not in harmony with the heart of Amida Buddha. Such actions would certainly exclude one from His compassionate Vow even if one recites Nembutsu”.[1]
This excellent teaching of Honen Shonin is fundamental to
our Amidaji school.
Useful articles mentioned in the video:
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Prince Shotoku |
In the Dharmaraja Sutra (AN 5.133), addressing an assembly of monks, the Buddha says:
“… in this fleeting world - this burning house - all matters without exception are empty and false, totally without truth and sincerity. The Nembutsu alone is true and real." (Shinran Shonin, Tannisho)
If Namo Amida Bu/Namo Amida Butsu (Nembutsu) is true and real, then Amida Butsu is true and real. This is something that even children can understand. Namo means to entrust and take refuge in Amida Butsu (Amida Buddha). This refuge (Namo) is real and effective because the object of refuge – Amida Butsu – is true and real. Refuge in metaphors, symbols or fictional characters is not true refuge, but intellectual gymnastics.
Those deluded scholars who repeat “Namo Amida Butsu” but do not accept the transcendent reality and existence of Amida Butsu are like parrots who recite sounds without knowing their meaning. Please, stay away from them.
Shinran Shonin said:
"Those who, it appears, will never attain Enlightenment
All attack the practice of solely saying the Name.
The mark of destroying the teaching of sudden attainment[1]
Is that for them,
the vast sea of birth-and-death will have no end".[2]
must pay attention here as the passage refers not to attacking the saying of
the Name, but the solely saying of the
Name. This means they attack the true teaching of exclusively saying the Name of Amida Buddha (Nembutsu). Those are
the false teachers who, while wearing the kesa of Nembutsu faith (Jodo
Shinshu), mix the saying of the Name with various meditative practices and make
great efforts in convincing others that there is no problem with this
combination. In the same time, they call those who follow faithfully the
requirements of Amida's Primal Vow in which only the saying of the Name, faith
and wish to be born in the Pure Land are mentioned, to be fundamentalists.
advice is to please stay away from those who are not satisfied with
"solely saying the Name".
Honen Shonin said:
the miscellaneous practices and performing the exclusive practice of the
recitation of Nembutsu are in accordance with the heart of Amida Buddha."[3]
To feel that the Name of Amida Buddha is somehow not enough for your religious life is a sign that faith (shinjin) is not yet firmly established in your heart. A true Amida devotee never thinks that something is lacking and is completely satisfied to say Amida's Name alone. He will never feel the need to add this or that meditation practice or this or that sacred mantra to his daily Nembutsu, and he will not pray to various gods and spirits. In the Primal Vow, Amida Buddha presented the guidelines for our religious life, "entrust yourself to me, say my Name, and wish to be born in my land".
So, we should do nothing else, but entrust to Amida Buddha, say His Name in faith and wish to be born in His Land after death.
A few hours ago a friend showed me
the message of Richard St Clair (Shaku Egen) posted on True Shin Buddhism Group
from which I quote the most important sentence:
spiritual path has taken a very different direction, away from True Shin
Buddhism and away from Buddhism in general”.
is my comment:
When you hear about a teacher leaving Jodo Shinshu and Buddhism after many years of writing, teaching and judging what is right and wrong, you should realize that person has never had shinjin (faith) but only knowledge and enthusiasm for the Dharma. As any enthusiasm is impermanent, it is inevitable that one day he will get tired and search for something else.
In the Larger Sutra it is said:
“They are of noble and
majestic countenance, unequaled in all the worlds, and their appearance is
superb, unmatched by any being, heavenly or human. They are all endowed with
bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity.”[1]
So, are those deluded scholars who claim that the Pure Land is “here and now” endowed with “bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity”? Shinran himself made reference to the same passage from the Larger Sutra, in his work Passages on the Pure Land Way [REALIZATION] :
“Unconditioned Dharmakaya is the body of Dharma-nature. Because Dharma-nature is Nirvanic, Dharmakaya is formless. Because it is formless, there is no form which it cannot manifest. Therefore, the body adorned with the marks of excellence is itself Dharmakaya”.
The editorial policy of this website is to present only the orthodox teachings of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. Before I link to any other website, I investigate that website to make sure that they share the same attitude. I reject any website that presents false or divergent teachings, or that links to other websites that present false or divergent teachings.
(Rev Josho)