Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Selected Teachings from Honen Shonin with Commentary (free edition and printed edition for sale)

The role of a teacher is to make things simple and this is exactly what I’m trying to do through my books. I pick and choose that which is easy to understand from the many volumes of the sacred texts and organize and explain them in such a way so that both the idiot and the scholar can understand and receive faith (shinjin). 

I also try to make useful connections between various Masters and their teachings. For example, in this book I show that Honen and his disciple Shinran, spoke the same language of faith and essentially taught the same teaching although sometimes the words and context are different.

Among the many sayings of Honen, I chose a few in this book and my other books, that I consider to be very important and which can serve as a standard of reading and understanding him in our Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. 

Click here if you wish to download the free online edition in pdf,

Click the donation box if you wish to make a DONATION to support me and Amidaji temple, and especially the recent project about water and sewage system (click here to read about it),


If you wish to order a printed copy from Amazon you can click on one of these links,

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