Showing posts with label Padmasambhava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Padmasambhava. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023

My experience with Padmsambhava as a devotee of Amida Buddha

Many years after I became a priest, one of my members in Bucharest, asked me about Padmasambhava. My answer was that all Buddhas, including Padmasambhava, praise Amida’s Name as  He promised they’ll do in His 17th Vow[1]. This is a very important doctrine of Jodo Shinshu that by praising Amida’s Name they actually praise His method of salvation which is to say His Name in faith. Also, by saying Amida’s Name in faith and worshipping Amida alone we automatically worship and venerate all Buddhas. This I taught my student that day to which I added that by worshipping and venerating Amida Buddha and saying His Name we automatically worship Padmasambhava. Although the Enlightened One called Padmasambhava promoted a different Dharma Gate on this earth (the esoteric teachings of Vajrayana), He too, supports us, people who entrust to Amida, so if we wish to show respect to Him, we should simply say Namo Amida Bu in faith.

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