Showing posts with label AMIDAJI BOOKSTORE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMIDAJI BOOKSTORE. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Selected Teachings from Honen Shonin with Commentary (free edition and printed edition for sale)

The role of a teacher is to make things simple and this is exactly what I’m trying to do through my books. I pick and choose that which is easy to understand from the many volumes of the sacred texts and organize and explain them in such a way so that both the idiot and the scholar can understand and receive faith (shinjin). 

I also try to make useful connections between various Masters and their teachings. For example, in this book I show that Honen and his disciple Shinran, spoke the same language of faith and essentially taught the same teaching although sometimes the words and context are different.

Among the many sayings of Honen, I chose a few in this book and my other books, that I consider to be very important and which can serve as a standard of reading and understanding him in our Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. 

Click here if you wish to download the free online edition in pdf,

Click the donation box if you wish to make a DONATION to support me and Amidaji temple, and especially the recent project about water and sewage system (click here to read about it),


If you wish to order a printed copy from Amazon you can click on one of these links,

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sunday, November 6, 2022


La Escuela budista Jodo Shinshu no da discursos morales y no contiene prácticas difíciles. Mientras que otros métodos budistas hablan sobre el ideal de la Budeidad y la posibilidad de alcanzarla en esta vida, el Jodo Shinshu comienza con un sentido de fracaso. 

Es un camino sencillo para gente común y corriente como tú y como yo, personas perdidas de la mañana a la noche en la lucha por la supervivencia diaria, llenos de ilusiones y apegos de los que no vemos ni el principio ni el final. El Jodo Shinshu no es un camino para santos, sino para perdedores, para aquellos que no pueden alcanzar por sí mismos nada estable en la vida espiritual. 

No se trata de la promesa de purificación, sino la de salvación tal como somos, esta es la esencia de Jodo Shinshu. Nada hay nada especial, ningún estado mental que alcanzar o desarrollar. Solo fe en la Compasión Infinita del Buda Amida. 

Este libro es una adaptación de algunos sermones de Dharma dados en el Dojo Tariki, el templo Amidaji y cartas a mis amigos budistas de todo el mundo. 

Estoy muy agradecido con mi amigo de Dharma Juan Sebastián Hincapié Arana de Colombia por traducir este libro al español.

Haga clic aquí para descargar la versión en pdf:

My google drive 

My page on Academia


Haga clic aquí para comprar la versión impresa de Amazon:

Monday, December 13, 2021

NEW book! Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Teachings - second revised edition

Jodo Shinshu does not give moral speeches and it doesn’t contain difficult practices. While other Buddhist methods talk about the ideal of Buddhahood and the possibility to attain it in this life, Jodo Shinshu starts with the sense of failure.

It is a simple path for ordinary people like you and me, lost from morning till evening in the fight for daily survival, filled with illusions and attachments to which we see neither the beginning nor the end. Jodo Shinshu is not a path for saints, but for losers, for those who cannot attain by themselves anything stable in the spiritual life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Path Between the Thorns - my spiritual autobiography

 At this link you can read the spiritual biographies of other members of Amidaji International Temple

My spiritual life is nothing special and it does not deserve a book. However, I decided to write about it because I prefer to be the one who tells my own story and I think that some events of my missionary activity as well as my interactions with various peoples and institutions should be put on paper as long as they are still fresh in my mind.

I called this book The Path Between the Thorns because for me, the 18 years since I became a priest where a constant fighting and struggle against inner and outer obstacles placed in my way by my own delusions as well as proponents of wrong views. I am happy to say that despite all these, I have never lost my Path, and although the thorns sometimes hurt my feet, I always knew the right direction to take as Amida Buddha and the true teaching of Shakyamuni and the lineage Masters were always my guiding light.

There are some things in this biography, like events, fragments of letters and discussions that many wished to be forgotten. However, I think that people should know about them and come to their own conclusions on that fragment of Jodo Shinshu history where I myself am just a small piece. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

NEW BOOK! Worshipping Amida Buddha - Liturgies and ceremonies of Amidaji Temple

Jodo Shinshu is the school of the Primal Vow. Everything we do in our religious life must be in accord with the three things mentioned by Amida Buddha in His Primal Vow: “entrust to me, say my Name (Nembutsu) and wish to be born in my land”.

I have already explained in my book The Meaning of Faith and Nembutsu in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and in my Commentary on the Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life[1], everything you need to know about the Primal Vow, faith (entrusting) and Nembutsu, so please read those instructions carefully. 

All parts of this present book, every word and explanation are intended to help you focus exclusively on Amida Buddha and remember Him in all aspects of your daily life. Although it is dedicated to the Sangha of Amidaji International Temple, I hope that non-members will also find it useful. No initiation or empowerment are needed to follow the liturgies and instructions presented here, so feel free to pick and choose what you like. 

Monday, August 10, 2020


LIVRARIA AMIDAJI - Livros em portugues


O Dharma é o remédio supremo dado pela Buda, o supremo Doutor, e ao recebê-lo devemos ter a atitude de pacientes humildes, cuja saúde e salvação dependem totalmente da prescrição do médico e administração adequada do remédio. Se somos sacerdotes ou professores, simplesmente não podemos ser descuidados com a salvação das pessoas do nascimento e da morte, assim como um bom farmacêutico não ministra veneno para aqueles que vêm a ele procurando o remédio prescrito pelo seu médico.

Enquanto nós mesmos não somos doutores (seres iluminados/budas) nós também não devemos mudar a Medicina (o Dharma), mas sim agir como o bom farmacêutico e ministrar exatamente o que o médico prescreveu. Verdadeiramente, o Amida Dharma não é nossa propriedade e ao lidar com ele, devemos agir apenas como transmissores, não como criadores do ensinamento. Isto é exatamente o que eu estou tentando fazer neste livro - mostrar o verdadeiro Amida Buda e Sua Terra Pura, e contrariar algumas das visões errôneas mais disseminadas no nosso tempo.

Click here to order it in US Dollars on
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Click here to order it in Euro on Amazon Italy
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Mais livros virão em breve!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

LIBRERÍA AMIDAJI - Compra y Apoya al Templo Amidaji

 Desde latino américa también hay diversas empresas mencionadas más adelante ( al final de la página) que hacen envíos fácilmente a Latino américa y es mucho más económico el envío que por medio de correo internacional.

Si tienes dificultades para ordenar a través de Amazon o si consideras el costo de envio muy alto por favor ponte en contacto conmigo en facebook o a través de mi correo

El Dharma de Amida, Rev Josho Adrian Cirlea

Este libro representa la esencia de la Enseñanza Budista Jodo Shinshu tal como es enseñada en el Templo Amidaji y en nuestra Sangha internacional. Su estudio es una obligación para cualquier seguidor. Si alguien no puede leerlo, se lo leerá el sacerdote o uno de los colegas del Dharma.

”El Dharma de Amida” contiene el conocimiento mínimo requerido para un miembro del Templo Amidaji. Es un libro simple sin citas y términos técnicos, limitado a lo estrictamente necesario para comprender el mundo de los nacimientos y muertes repetidos (samsara) y el Camino para escapar de él.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Librairie Amidaji - Achetez et soutenez le temple d'Amidaji

AMIDA DHARMA, Rev Josho Adrian Cirlea

Le Bouddhisme Jodo Shinshu ou Amida Dharma est le chemin vers le Nirvana (l'Illumination Parfaite) par la foi en Bouddha Amida. Ce chemin a été enseigné par le Bouddha Shâkyamuni (le Bouddha historique) et a par la suite été transmis à notre époque par une longue série de maîtres et d'enseignants parmi lesquels je mentionne Shinran Shonin (1173-1262), le fondateur de cette école au Japon et Rennyo Shonin ( 1415-1499), le restaurateur.

Les mots "Jodo Shinshu" signifient "École Véritable de la Terre Pure" et "Dharma" signifie l'enseignement. Amida Dharma est l'enseignement sur le salut inconditionnel offert par Amida Buddha. Avec l'aide de ce Bouddha appelé Amida, nous sommes nés dans Sa Terre Pure (Sa sphère d'influence) après la mort où nous atteignons l'Illumination Parfaite (Nirvana).

Ce livre représente l'essence de l'enseignement Bouddhiste Jodo Shinshu tel qu'il est enseigné au temple d'Amidaji et dans notre Sangha internationale. Son étude est indispensable à tout adepte. Si quelqu'un ne peut pas le lire, il lui sera lu par le prêtre ou l'un des collègues du Dharma.

Amida Dharma contient les connaissances minimales requises pour un membre d'Amidaji. 

D'autres livres suivront bientôt

Dharma talks on my youtube channel