Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Nobody has monopoly over Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and priest ordinations

No organization or branch has monopoly over the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist teaching. There are already ten old branches of Jodo Shinshu since Shinran Shonin plus Amidaji which is the newest. There are probably other branches or groups (old and new) in Japan that I do not know about and also various organizations that they claim they represent Jodo Shinshu. I have no idea what they teach and how loyal they are to our Founder, Shinran Shonin and to the historical Buddha. When we at Amidaji say that we are orthodox Jodo Shinshu we do that by comparison with the nowadays decadent situation of the two Hongwanji branches (Nishi and Higashi) that allow the spreading of wrong views and the various priests and lay we know in Japan, USA, Europe, etc, but we can't pretend we are the only orthodox followers in the world! Even among the Hongwanji there are many orthodox followers although the leadership is very corrupt, indolent and not willing to oppose wrong views. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Why I sometimes use harsh language against proponents of wrong views

Japanse temple guardian in fierce form
Some suggested that even if I speak the truth I should say it in a moderate way. However, in a world filled with so much ambiguity, relativity of values, secularism and various wrong views I think that strong voices are very much needed. There are many priests and religious organizations nowadays that nobody knows what they actually teach and stand for because their language is too polite and too pleasing with everybody. It is of course, not the case with myself as everybody knows in detail who I am and what I stand for. Being the founder of Amidaji I want some things to be extremely clear from the start so that there is no confusion among people who might intend to become members.

What I am against for is the grave karmic sin of slandering the Dharma. To say that a certain thing is good and virtuous when the Buddha Dharma says it is wrong and unvirtuous might not be a problem for many but for me, as a priest, is worse than killing all the beings in all the universes. To deny the Larger Sutra, the existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land, to deny the Buddhist morality, the teaching on rebirth and life after death which are the main elements denied by various fake Buddhists and modernists nowadays falls under this category. This is because if you kill one person you are merely destroying his body, but if you destroy the Dharma you are shutting the door to liberation for all sentient beings. It is like killing them and throwing them in the fire house of samsara again and again. This is the reason why slandering the Dharma makes one go to the deepest hell for many kalpas.

Useless attempts by snowflakes and fake "Buddhists" to shut my voice

My personal Facebook account was reported and I received a restriction for 24 hours and then another one for three days. During this time that can be extended I can't post or comment. I also can’t go live for 30 days, and can’t advertise for 30 days. This happens because I dared to say that homosexuality is sexual misconduct according to the Buddhist teaching, and that Amidaji refuses to ordain priests that promote sexual misconduct. Here are some of my words (in the two print screens) and the articles  that were reported (click on them to read): Can LGBTQ people be born in the Pure Land?  and The definition of sexual misconduct according to the Buddhist teachings where I mentioned passages from Master Genshin, our 6th Jodo Shinshu Patriachal Master and Shakyamuni Buddha. I suggest people to carefully read those articles and if they are indeed honest seekers of truth they will realize that they are not at all hateful. The Dharma does not tell us what we want to hear, but what we must hear while in the same time accepting us as we are.  This is something that people who come to Buddhism to seek justification and to use it for their own worldly ideologies don't understand.

Perhaps those fake “Buddhists” and snowflakes who reported me don’t yet realize they can’t stop me from writing and posting as I can make many accounts and pages and continue to write in many forms and on various platforms, including on Facebook. I can share my texts with people in the chat, by email, website/s, etc. Somewhere, somehow, here or in another place you will hear about me and my statements against LGBTQ propaganda and against using the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist temples for justifying and institutionalizing homosexuality and other types of sexual misconduct.

It’s obvious that nobody can stop one who is really determined and convinced of the righteousness of his cause, especially when they constantly prove to me that my posts and articles really matter as they would not be so desperate to report me or complain about me if I was a nobody whose words have no impact. I know this may be too smart for them to realize but when they want to suppress my voice they actually help me grow and make even more people wanting to know what I have to say. The number of readers who have contacted me in the last years has grown and keeps growing so I am asking them: please continue with your stupidity, dear snowflakes. I am very grateful for your publicity. Please make more print screens from my twitter, Facebook, website, etc, and share them on as many places as possible. You are helping the Dharma truth spread! Your bitter tears and rage will draw more normal and ordinary people (who accept themselves as sinful and in need of salvation) to Amidaji and Amida Dharma while keeping all the sexual freaks, perverts and proponents of wrong views away.

Namo Amida Bu


Monday, August 30, 2021

The exterior walls of Amidado (Hall of Amida) are finished

this is how Amidado looks now

After I finished the outside thermal insulation (click here to read) I painted the walls and  added some tiles on the concrete platform which help against water infiltration. You can see in the photos bellow all the phases of the work process, including the materials I bought.

Also, I must continue with the plan for this year that I presented to you in my first post of 2021 (click here toread): add a stove inside Amidado and library, buy new doors and windows for the library and accommodation place, build a gate, add water in the whole courtyard of Amidaji, buy firewood for winter, pay some taxes and many other things that are too many to mention.

Amidado and the other buildings of Amidaji

If you wish to help me please donate using this PayPal box:

 or use other methods (Bank accounts, Revolut, etc) from this link (click here). Any small help is appreciated and very much needed.
The names of donors and/or people in whose name a donation is given will be mentioned in the dedication list of my books and video teachings (new videos in the playlist at the bottom, have a dedication list)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

О заслугах мирских и истинных

translated from English by Терехин Евгений

Когда великий Мастер Бодхидхарма прибыл в Китай, император У-ди пригласил его к себе на аудиенцию и спросил: «Я построил много храмов и выделил много земли буддийским монастырям. Пожалуйста, ответь мне, много ли заслуг я приобрёл?» Ответ Бодхидхармы поверг его в шок: «Ни одной!» И это истинная правда.

В буддизме заслуги подразделяются на два вида: мирские и истинные. Мирские заслуги представляют собой результат каждого доброго поступка, совершенного с целью (сознательной или бессознательной) обретения в будущем тех или иных положительных последствий для себя: счастья в этой жизни или в следующей, лучшего перерождение и т. д. Но такие поступки, какими бы добрыми они ни были, не выходят за рамки тонких или грубых форм жадности (алчности), которая является одним из "Трёх Ядов", наряду с гневом и невежеством (заблуждением).[1] Какими бы духовно развитыми мы ни считали себя, пока мы все ещё отождествляем себя с ложным "эго", любое добро, совершённое нами будет являться мирским благом. Вот как описал свой личный опыт понимания этого Синран в «Сёдзомацу Васан»:

Monday, August 2, 2021

Topics of examination for those who want to become lay teachers or monks and nuns in Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism

Here are some topics for study and examination in our Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, especially useful for those who want to become lay teachers or monks and nuns. The candidate is required to use passages from the sacred texts in support of his or her explanations. You can start with any topic as the order is not important.

1) What is samsara? The illusory nature of samsara.

2) There is no creator god, ruler and judge of the world. The incompatibility of belief in a monotheistic god and Buddhism. Why those who believe in a creator god cannot have true faith in Amida Buddha? Difference between the so-called gods of monotheistic religions and Amida Buddha.

3) Buddhist explanations on the origin and existence of the universe.

4) The Buddhist teaching on rebirth.

Dharma talks on my youtube channel