Monday, April 18, 2022

What to do with the samayas and commitments taken on the Vajrayana Path if I chose to entrust myself completely to Amida Buddha?

I have been reading a lot of your blog articles, which really resonate with me.  One in particular, A simple analogy between Vajrayana and Jodo Shinshu to help undecided practitioners, stood out to me. I realize the article was written for those who have not yet entered Vajrayana so that they can be realistic about things. 
But, do you have advice for someone who has entered Vajrayana some time ago? I’ve taken numerous empowerments and done a variety of practice. But Honen’s and Shinran’s writings really resonate with me. And I’ve come to realize my own limited capacity. How can someone like me enter into Shin practice and rely solely on Amida, when I have all these other commitments and samayas to maintain? It’s said that abandoning them would lead one to vajra hell. As you’re the first Shin author I’ve seen mention this topic, I was wondering if you have any advice.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Amida Buddha is the best guide to our Buddha nature

Amida Buddha is the best guide to the Buddha nature which is the true nature of all beings. However, attaining Buddha nature does NOT mean that transcendent Buddhas like Amida stop existing.  Rather it means Amida takes you to a dimension where all Buddhas dwell. It's like escaping a prison (samsara) and joining all Buddhas in the same beautiful park where you can know each other and have fun together. Of course, discovering Buddha nature is beyond words and conceptual understanding, but I'm using this image just to help you stop falling into the wrong view of nihilistic voidness.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Can someone read about another religion just to get knowledge?

It depends who that person is and how much settled he is in the faith of the Primal Vow. A person who really has faith in Amida Buddha can read whatever he wants because he will never be influenced by other religions, but someone not yet settled in faith should better leave aside any nonBuddhist book and focus entirely on listening deeply (reading is also listening) the Jodo Shinshu teaching and asking questions to clear his doubts. Why? Because he can be easily influenced by what he reads and everything he reads can become an obstacle and make him depart from the Dharma and the Primal Vow. I saw many people abandoning the Buddhist Path because they read too many things.
Also, I remember that Master Rennyo said something like, before shinjin listen to the Dharma, after shinjin also listen to the Dharma. The listening of Dharma never stops for a true Nembutsu follower.
So read whatever you want if you have faith and you just want to get knowledge but be careful to never abandon listening and reading the Dharma. Don’t put the study of other religions first and reading the Dharma second. Make yourself a habit to always read at least a Dharma sentence or a Dharma text every day. If you find time to read about other religions you will certainly find time for the Dharma, too.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Los Diez Beneficios de la fe en Amida durante esta vida: 7. El beneficio de tener una gran alegría en nuestros corazones

Recibir la fe (shinjin) equivale a escapar de una gran carga. Sabemos que nos convertiremos en Budas en la Tierra Pura de Amida, sin importar nuestra situación actual. Esta alegría es como el alivio que sientes cuando te quitan una gran carga de los hombros y, de hecho, no hay mayor carga que la de no estar iluminado y ser un esclavo de la existencia samsárica. La carga de nuestra liberación la lleva el Buda llamado Amida, quien ya cruzó el Camino por nosotros. Cualquiera que lleve una gran carga se siente feliz cuando se la quitan, por lo que puedes sentirte feliz o sentir alivio cuando te encomiendas por primera vez al Buda Amida, si lograr la Budeidad o la liberación final del nacimiento y la muerte es lo más importante para ti. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que hora a hora, minuto a minuto, segundo a segundo, pensarás en Amida o sentirás una alegría continua como para saltar por los aires. Nuestras vidas son de tal manera que siempre podemos ser abrumados por los problemas y preocupaciones diarias. Pero está bien, simplemente está bien ser así. No estamos obligados a saltar siempre de alegría porque Amida nos salva. 

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