Sunday, August 18, 2019

Non-retrogressive Mahayana followers (bodhisattvas in aspiration) who will be born in the Pure Land of Amida – commentary on section 46 of the Larger Sutra

Whenever the term bodhisattvas in other lands appear in the Larger Sutra (with the exception of Enlightened Bodhisattvas who do Dharma activities in various places) and especially here in section 46 and the next one, 47, it refers to Mahayana followers who have Mahayana aspirations, that is, who aspire to become Buddhas for themselves and all beings (who have the bodhi mind), who accept Mahayana teachings and the Mahayana pantheon of transcendent Buddhas, among which, Amida is the foremost in saving sentient beings.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The difference between those born in the Pure Land in the embryonic form and those born by transformation – commentary on sections 43, 44 and 45 of the Larger Sutra

A palace for those of the embryonic
birth - Larger Sutra Mandala

            In these sections Shakyamuni Buddha explains the causes and characteristics of two types of beings born in the Pure Land: 1) those born in “the embryonic state” and 2) those “born by transformation”.

I already explained the Primal Vow (18th) in detail and showed that faith in Amida’s Power is the cause of birth in the Pure Land. However, the situation is that not all practitioners are able to give up entirely the attachment to their personal power in reaching birth in the Pure Land:

“If there are sentient beings who do various meritorious deeds, aspiring for birth in that land while still entertaining doubt, such beings are unable to comprehend the Buddha wisdom, inconceivable wisdom, ineffable wisdom, boundless Mahayana wisdom, and incomparable, unequalled, and unsurpassed supreme wisdom. Although they doubt these wisdoms, they still believe in retribution for evil and reward for virtue and so cultivate a store of merit, aspiring for birth in that land.’Such beings are born in a palace, where they dwell for five hundred years without being able to behold the Buddha, hear his exposition of the Dharma, or see the hosts of bodhisattvas and śrāvakas. For this reason, that type of birth in the Pure Land is called the ‘embryonic state.’”

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

O Verdadeiro ensino sobre Amida Buddha e sua Terra Pura

Capa da versao inglesa

Este livro é um projeto de longo prazo que começou há alguns anos como um reação ao aparecimento na sangha internacional de alguns divergentes pontos de vista que ameaçam destruir as chances de muitas pessoas ouvirem o verdadeiro Amida Dharma. É também um trabalho em andamento, e o leitor pode esperar que eu volte de novo, mais cedo ou mais tarde, com novas edições e melhorias.

Como todos sabemos, o Dharma é o segundo tesouro do Três Tesouros (Buda, Dharma e Sangha) nos quais todos nós nos refugiamos quando nos tornamos discípulos budistas. Em termos simples, o papel da Sangha é garantir uma transmissão genuína do Dharma como era ensinada pelo Buda Shakyamuni e pelos Mestres da nossa tradição, de modo que todos nós podemos receber fé (shinjin) e alcançar o estado de Buda na Terra Pura. Sem essa transmissão adequada, não há realmente nenhuma Sangha e nenhuma possibilidade de Libertação de nascimento e morte, isto é, não há chance de nos tornarmos Budas.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Please, no more Conferences on peace for me - a little request

From time to time I receive invitations to attend conferences on world peace together with various representatives of other religions. I wish people or organizations should stop sending me such invitations.

Do not get me wrong - I do NOT wish war. I am NOT an enemy of peace. I love peace, but I am not that stupid as to believe that all religions really want peace or that all religions are the same. I also do not believe in the usefulness of such events.

Rather than attending conferences on peace where everybody smiles, a lot of money are spent and empty discussions are held, I rather prefer to focus my mind on my religious practice, helping those who think they can be helped by my Dharma activities. 

Respectfully yours in
Namo Amida Bu

PS: A lot of people engaged in a discussion on my page on this topic. You can see the comments here (click on the Facebook icon),

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

La Liturgia del Nembutsu del Templo Amidaji (versión final)

Aunque también tenemos otros servicios, decidí que esta será la liturgia principal en el Templo Amidaji. A diferencia de otros servicios que pueden encontrar en diversos templos, este en particular es más sencillo de seguir y recitar, en especial porque todas sus partes (incluidas las Tres Invitaciones) son recitadas en vez de ser cantadas.

Monday, July 8, 2019

El Camino de la aceptación- comentario sobre el Tannisho (edición gratuita)

Portada de la versión inglesa

Este libro es una adaptación de mis charlas de Dharma sobre "TannishoNotas lamentando las divergencias", dadas en el Dojo Tariki en Craiova durante los días habituales de práctica.
Yuien-bo, el autor de Tannisho, advierte que este texto puede ser comprendido erróneamente por aquellos que todavía no están preparados para recibir el mensaje del Voto Primordial del Buda Amida:

"No se debe mostrar indiscriminadamente".

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The testimony of Ananda and the audience gathered on Vulture Peak to the existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land – commentary on the sections 41 and 42 from the Larger Sutra

This painting shows the manifestation of 
the Pure Land as shown to Ananda and 
the audience gathered on Vulture Peak. 
Ananda is in the middle with his 
right shoulder barred and facing Amida. 
Behind him sits a long-haired monk, 
who is Maitreya, the future Buddha. 
On his left sits Buddha Shakyamuni 
surrounded by monks, bodhisattvas and 
deities. A layman and laywoman are seen 
behind Maitreya worshiping Amida. 

As we have seen in this sutra, Shakyamuni not only presented the story of Dharmakara becoming Amida, but described in many details the wonders of the Pure Land as well as the splendor of Amida and the enlightened beings living there. Then, in sections 41 and 42 He went even further and did something more extraordinary – He showed Amida and His Pure Land to the audience!!!

First, before Ananda made his request, and knowing in advance what he will say, Shakyamuni asked him to worship Amida, invoking the testimony of all Buddhas who always praise Amida’s Name and His method of salvation, thus encouraging all beings to entrust to Him and worship Him:

Dharma talks on my youtube channel