Monday, August 31, 2020

My religion is Jodo Shinshu Buddhism - Amidaji lineage

the crest of Amidaji Sangha
Let it be known. 
My religion is Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, Amidaji lineage.
I am NOT in the same school with all kinds of heretics and proponents of wrong views who misuse the label of "Jodo Shinshu". I am NOT the colleague of those who call Amida a myth, a metaphor, a fictional character or who say that "Pure Land is here and now" or "in the mind". Also, I am NOT in the same school with those who use Jodo Shinshu as a vehicle for various ideological and sexual groups. I am a member of Jodo Shinshu Amidaji, an orthodox lineage of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. 

After I posted this statement on Facebook, another member of Amidaji from Texas made his own statement and the following video where he also explains his faith in Amida Buddha and his allegiance to Amidaji:

"I am a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist of the Amidaji Lineage.
This means that I take the teachings of The Pure Land Masters such as Honen, Shinran and Rennyo quite literally.
I do not adhere to such heresies as ‘Amida Buddha is a fictional character and His Pure Land merely a mythical representation of the enlightened mind’.
I am of an orthodox branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (a Pure Land sect) and take the words of Shakyamuni Buddha and the real, actual existence of Amida Buddha and his Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and Peace to be absolute facts.

I am connected to Amida Buddha through faith and shall go to His Pure Land when I die (in my next life). There I shall become a fully-enlightened Buddha."

Useful link:

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