Monday, June 15, 2020

All lives matter! Amidaji does NOT take a knee to racist movements

As I saw a lot of unwise statements made by various Buddhist priests and centers, including Buddhist Churches of America, in the support of the racist movement called "Black Lives Matters" while they say absolutely nothing about the violence and killings made under this slogan in many American cities, and because Amidaji has many readers and supporters in USA,  I decided to publish here what I already stated on my Facebook Page.

I condemn ALL killings, violence and looting,  no matter the skin color of the perpetrator. Thus, I condemn the killing of Mr Floyd by that cop, and I also condemn the violence done by the racist and hateful movement/ideology called Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa against cops, shop owners and anybody who suffered because of their actions.

Next,  I want to say something about racism, too.
Taking a knee as a person of white skin to apologize  for the killing of somebody  with black skin by another one with white skin  means that you accept racism and you promote the delusion of race. Isn't it racist to blame an entire group of people  ("white people" for example") for a killing just because the killer had the same skin color?

Wake up, people! If you think in terms of race you are actually promoting racism. It is sad that many today cannot see the simple truth. Race does NOT exist, dear friends! To think in terms of race IS racism and perpetuates racism.
Only a racist can say that a black person was killed by a white person and then pretend that all people of white color take a knee and apologize. A sane person will simply say that a human being was killed by another human being and will keep saying this when a person of black color kills a guy of white color, too! This is because when a sane person looks to human being he sees a human being, not colors or races.

In reality, race is just a mental construct, a illusory concept which creates false meanings from a simple skin color. Our skin may be white or black, our eyes may be black, brown, blue, green, etc. These are just colors or reflections of light, nothing more. To transform these colors into cultures and identities, like "black culture" or "black community" or "white culture" and "white community" is insane and against the Buddhist teaching. Thus I am asking Buddhist teachers and lay people to stop being racist by using "Black Lives Matter", which are actually the same as "White Power", and instead say, ALL LIVES MATTER! 

Yes, "Black Lives Matter" is a RACIST statement  because you support the idea that black race is more important than others. ALL LIVES MATTER is the most compassionate, spiritually healthy and all inclusive statement we need today - the only path for a harmonious humanity. It is unbelievable what great amount of propagandist effort is done today against common sense people who dare to say that all lives matter and how dictatorial are those who insist they are against racism but exclusively promote only one "race". 

The Buddha and Masters of all authentic lineages always used the words  "MAY ALL BEINGS..." whenever they made worldly and spiritual aspirations for us like happiness, long lives or Enlightenment.
As Buddhas never divided people into races we should never do it ourselves. Please do not fall prey to delusions. 
Namo Amida Bu 

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