Monday, October 7, 2019

The qualities of Bodhisattvas in the audience – commentary on section 2 of the Larger Sutra

Buddha Maitreya
last revised October 7, 2019

Many members of our school do not fully understand the term Bodhisattva in Mahayana. Also, when we read the 22nd Vow of Amida presented in section7 of this sutra, and which is generally accepted to mean that we return to this world as fully Enlightened Persons or Buddhas to save all beings, some of us are puzzled that in the respective vow there is no mentioning of the word "Buddha", but only "Bodhisattva". However, there is no contradiction between the two. The reason is that, in Mahayana, the term “Bodhisattva” does not only refer to a highly evolved person who is extremely close to Enlightenment (on one of the ten bodhisattva stages/bhumis[1]), but also to a Buddha who manifests as Bodhisattva or Bodhisattvas who already attained Enlightenment. There is clear evidence for this in many Mahayana sutras, esoteric tantras and also in the writings of various Buddhist masters[2]. So, according to Mahayana Buddhism, there are two types of bodhisattvas:

1. Bodhisattvas in aspiration who have made the vows of becoming Buddhas for themselves and all beings, but who are still on the path (still in training) and still unenlightened (not Buddhas yet). Anyone who made the four Bodhisattva vows[3] may call himself or herself a bodhisattva in aspiration. Some bodhisattvas may be very much advanced and on various higher levels, even  close to Enlightenment, but as long as they have not reached perfect Enlightement I also include them in this category.

2. Bodhisattvas who already attained Buddhahood but who do not remain secluded in their Enlightenment. These are in fact, ancient Buddhas who manifest as Bodhisattvas[4]. In this category we find Avalokitesvara[5], Mahasthamaprapta[6], Samantabhadra, Manjusri, Maitreya, and many others.
While Avalokitesvara (Kannon in Jap) and Mahasthamaprapta (Seishi in Jap) are the two Bodhisattvas who accompany Amida Buddha, the other three, Samantabhadra[7], Manjusri[8] and Maitreya, were also assembled at the Vulture Peak when Shakyamuni preached the Larger Sutra:

“Mahayana bodhisattvas also accompanied the Buddha, including all those of this Auspicious Kalpa, such as the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, the Bodhisattva Manjusri and the Bodhisattva Maitreya. There were also the sixteen lay bodhisattvas, such as Bhadrapala, as well as the Bodhisattva as well as Bodhisattva Profound Thought, Bodhisattva Wisdom of Faith, Bodhisattva Emptiness, Bodhisattva Bloom of Supernatural Power, Bodhisattva Hero of Light, Bodhisattva Superior Wisdom, Bodhisattva Banner of Wisdom, Bodhisattva Tranquil Ability,
Bodhisattva Wisdom of Vows, Bodhisattva Sweet-smelling Elephant, Bodhisattva Hero of Treasures, Bodhisattva Dwelling in the Center, Bodhisattva Practice of Restraint, and Bodhisattva Emancipation.[9]

About them the sutra says:

“With such roots of virtue, all the Bodhisattvas in the assembly had reached the
shore of Emancipation (Enlightenment/Buddhahood). They had acquired the Buddha's immeasurable merit and attained the sacred, pure and inconceivable wisdom. Innumerable Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, such as these assembled there all at once.”[10]

As we clearly see in the above quote taken from the 1st and 2nd sections of the Larger Sutra, the three Bodhisattvas, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Maitreya, the other sixteen lay Bodhisattvas and in fact, all the Bodhisattvas in the assembly”, already attained Enlightenment - "had reached the shore of Emancipation".

The whole section two of this sutra describes the virtues of the Bodhisattvas in the audience. Thus, each one of them follows ad infinitum the same pattern as Siddharta Gautama who became Shakyamuni Buddha, that is, they are Buddhas who manifest as Bodhisattvas.  It is like the story of Shakyamuni Buddha repeats itself over and over again in all universes:

He first dwells for some time in the Tusita heaven[11] where Maitreya is now dwelling - "first dwelling in the Tusita Heaven, He proclaims the true Dharma", and then, “…having left the heavenly palace, He descends into His mother's womb. Soon after He is born from her right side, He takes seven steps. As He does so, an effulgence illuminates everywhere in the ten quarters and innumerable Buddha-lands shake in six ways. Then He utters these words, ‘I will become the most Honoured One in the world.’" [12]

After a childhood and youth filled with various achievements and pleasures He "encounters old age, sickness and death", and "He realizes the impermanence of the world". Then He "renounces His kingdom, wealth and throne, and goes into the mountains to practice the Way. After sending back the white horse that He has been riding, together with the jewelled crown and ornaments which He has been wearing, He takes off his magnificent clothes and puts on a Dharma robe. He cuts His hair and shaves His beard, sits upright under a tree and strives at ascetic practices for six years in accord with the traditional way".[13]

After realizing the futility of the ascetic practices He washes himself in the river, eats moderately and then He takes a sit under the Bodhi tree "with His legs crossed". Then "He emits a great flood of light to inform Mara of this. Mara and his army come to attack and tempt him, but He brings them under control with the power of wisdom and makes them all surrender. Then He attains the supreme Dharma and realizes the highest, perfect Enlightenment".[14]

After this attainment of Enlightenment, exactly like Shakyamuni in our present world, He goes on teaching the Dharma, thus guiding others to the attainment of freedom from birth and death:
"[…] destroys wrong views, removes afflictions, flushes the gutters of desire, protects the Dharma-castle, opens the Dharma-gate, washes off the grime of the passions, and reveals the pure white Dharma. He unifies everything in the Buddha Dharma, and thus proclaims the right teaching".[15]

And at the end of His physical body, He "demonstrates that He passes into Nirvana"[16], or in other words, He puts on the show of disappearing into the non-comprehensible state of beyond form and non-form, but in reality, according to the Larger Sutra, He "endlessly brings sentient beings to emancipation"[17], which means that His activities in various manifestations continue in other places of the universe, where He starts again the same story.
The sutra says:

"Just as a magician with his perfect skill can create at will various illusions, including images of man or woman, at will, so the Bodhisattva, having thoroughly learned all the methods of emancipation and attained serene awareness of reality, can freely teach and transform beings. He manifests himself everywhere in innumerable Buddha-lands, performing acts of compassion for sentient beings, tirelessly and with diligence".[18]
Simply stated, let’s imagine that you, the reader of these lines, are a Buddha and I, Josho, am a stupid unenlightened person, which I am, of course :) You attained Enlightenment many kalpas ago, in the distant past, but because you have Compassion for Josho and other beings of this earth, you decided to manifest yourself here. If Josho is attached to his own personal power, then you need to show Josho that a person like himself can become a Buddha and in order to encourage him to start practicing you take the appearance of a person who is unenlightened and who passes through the same difficulties like him. So, you play this game for Josho because his mind cannot be convinced in another way. After “many struggles” you attain Enlightenment and thus prove to Josho that it’s possible for him too, to become enlightened. Josho is thus encouraged to start practicing, thinking that if you, his friend or teacher, struggled and attained it, then he can do this, too. Also, if Josho or others become deeply aware of their own limitations and incapacity to become a Buddha like you, in the present life, and because indeed most of the people from your time and especially after you leave your physical body, will be incapable to attain Enlightenment in their present life, you start teaching to them Amida’s method of salvation. Because you are a Buddha, your listeners will trust your various teachings and follow them. But what they and Josho do not know is that you were Enlightened from the very beginning of your life in their realm and that all your years spent among them were just a skilful mean for them and others to entrust to you and to your teaching.[19]
You can find a similar explanation in the Lotus Sutra, too, where Shakyamuni described himself as a Buddha who actually attained Enlightenment many eons ago and who plays this game many times for the sake of unenlightened beings[20]. We should also remember that Shinran Shonin regarded Shakyamuni Buddha as a manifestation of Amida Buddha in human form (Nirmanakaya):

“Amida, who attained Buddhahood in the infinite past,
Full of compassion for foolish beings of the five defilements,
Took the form of Sakyamuni Buddha
And appeared in Gaya[21]

So, these are the Mahayana Bodhisattvas who gathered to listen to the Larger Sutra together with “twelve thousand monks, all great sages who had already attained supernatural powers”. Certainly, such great beings who witnessed the teaching presented that day on the Vulture Peak have always been promoting and protecting its transmission to later generations.

Shakyamuni Buddha entrusting the
Larger Sutra to Maitreya
However, the special character who has been entrusted by Shakyamuni with the transmission of this sutra is Bodhisattva Maitreya as we will see at section 33. In accordance with my above explanations, there are two ways of speaking about Him. One is the usual, provisional way, in which He plays the role of the future Buddha of our age and successor to Shakyamuni, and the other is the true way, as a Buddha who assumes many other roles in the various worlds of the ten directions, beside the one He plays in our world.

The provisional way is well represented by Shinran who said that we, people who have faith in Amida, are in the same stage as Maitreya in the sense that we are also assured of becoming Buddhas in the next life with the difference that we don’t need to wait bilions of years like Maitreya and that we entered this stage through the Power of Amida. Of course, for us is also the first time we become Buddhas, as we are not yet Enlightened, so we are not playing any role until we are actually born in the Pure Land. This provisional way is also presented in various sutras when He is described without further explanations, as the successor to Shakyamuni. In this role He manifested in Tusita heaven[22] and will be born in human form in our universe and simulate the attainment of Enlightenment, just like the rest of the Bodhisattvas in the audience do in many other worlds.

The true way of speaking about Maitreya is represented by the following passage from The Question of Maitreya Sutra:

“Ananda, when the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Maitreya was formerly engaged in the conduct of a bodhisattva (when He was a bodhisattva in aspiration), because the vehicle is easy, the entry is easy, and the path is easy, He perfectly accomplished supreme, perfect Enlightenment
Ananda, when the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Maitreya was formerly engaged in the conduct of a bodhisattva he did not let go of his arms, legs, or marrow. He did not renounce and let go of his spouse, or his child, village, town, city, royal palace, or retinue. But Ananda, when the Bodhisattva Mahasttva Maitreya was formerly engaged in the conduct of a bodhisattva, because He fully embraced skilful means, through the easy vehicle, the easy entry, and the easy path, He accomplished supreme, perfect Enlightenment”.

When further asked by Ananda how Maitreya attained Enlightenment, Shakyamuni explained that unlike himself, who chose a hard way of various sacrifices, Maitreya followed a somewhat easier path of devotion towards all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, confessing His negative actions in front of them, rejoicing in other meritorious deeds, entreating the bodhisattvas in aspiration to attain Enlightenment and then benefit all beings, making aspirations to fulfil the six perfections, etc[23].
Also, in section 33 of the Larger Sutra, Shakyamuni said:

“Maitreya, you should know that you have, for innumerable kalpas, been perfecting the bodhisattva practices to save sentient beings. Incalculable indeed is the number of beings who under your guidance have attained the Way and reached Nirvana. From time immemorial, you and all the devas and humans in the ten directions and the four groups of followers have been floundering in the five realms of samsara, undergoing indescribable troubles and afflictions. Until you were born in this life, you, too, underwent endless cycles of birth and death.”[24]

The last sentence is the key of the fragment and should be read as follows – until He attained Enlightenment (“until you were born in this life”) and became a Buddha who manifests as a Bodhisattva, He too was subject to “endless cycles of birth and death”. This is extremely important as it shows that the “endless cycles of birth and death” are something of the past for Maitreya who is now ready to take the place of Shakyamuni in the role of teaching the Amida Dharma to future generations, doing what all Enlightened Bodhisattvas do as explained in section 2 of this sutra. The words“born in this life” means to become a Buddha free of birth and death, a permanent dweller in perfect Nirvana as only somebody who already attained Nirvana can guide others to reach Nirvana – “incalculable indeed is the number of beings who under your guidance have attained the Way and reached Nirvana”.

to be continued 

[1] The ten bhumis are the ten stages on the Mahayana bodhisattva's path to Buddhahood. The Avatamsaka Sutra refers to the following ten bhūmis: 1) the Very Joyous (Skt. pramuditā), 2) the Stainless (Skt. vimalā), 3) the Light-Maker (Skt. prabhākarī), 4) the Radiant Intellect (Skt. arciṣmatī), 5) the Difficult to Master (Skt. sudurjayā), 6)  the Manifest (Skt. abhimukhī), 7) the Gone Afar (Skt. dūraṃgamā), 8) the Immovable (Skt. acalā), 9) the Good Intelligence (Skt. sādhumatī), 10) the Cloud of Doctrine (Skt. dharmameghā). The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism, Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada. The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation/Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc., Taipei, 2nd ed. pp.759-760
[2] For example, in the Ojoraisan, Master Shan-tao himself presented Avalokitesvara as already enlightened:

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, out of great compassion,
Does not stay in the Bodhi (Enlightenment) which He has already realized.
Enfolding all the five states of samsaric existence in His bodily light,
He observes beings at six times of a day and responds to their needs with three kinds of act.
The light of His body of response is the colour of purple gold;
His majestic physical characteristics are limitlessly superb.
Extending always a hundred kotis of illuminating hands,
He embraces all who are karmically related to Him
and takes them  to the home country of Amida”

(Shan-tao’s Liturgy for Birth – Ojoraisan, compiled by Master Shan-tao, annotated translation by Zuio Hisao Inagaki, edited by Doyi Tan, Singapore, 2009, p.90-91)

Certainly Master Shan-tao was well aware of the Mahayana view of great Bodhisattvas who already attained perfect Enlightenment, and became Buddhas. Also, in the Great Compassion Dharani Sutra (Maha Karuna Dharani Sutra), Avalokitesvara is again presented as an ancient Buddha who manifests as Bodhisattva:

“Then, Ananda asked the Buddha: "Bhagavan, what is the name of this Bodhisattva-Mahasattva, who is so good to teach us this Dharani?"
The Buddha said: "This Bodhisattva is called Avalokitesvara, the Unrestricted One, also called Nipping a Lariat, also called A Thousand Bright Eyes. Virtuous man, this Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has unimaginable mighty and holy powers. Uncountable kalpas before, He had already been a Buddha named True Dharma Brightness Tathagata. Because of the power of His great compassionate vows, and in order to call upon all Bodhisattvas to comfort and please all living beings, He appears as a Bodhisattva. All of you, including the Bodhisattvas, Brahmas, Gods of the 33 heavens, dragons, and divinities, should show respect to Him, do not despise Him.”
(English translation at this link, 
[3] The four Bodhisattva vows are: 1. no matter how perfect a Buddha would be, I vow to become like Him, 2. no matter how profound the Dharma (the teaching) would be, I vow to fully understand it all, 3. no matter how numerous the passions would be, I vow to conquer them all, 4. no matter how numerous the beings would be, I vow to save them all.
[4] When you read verses about great Bodhisattvas who postpone their own attainment of Enlightenment until all beings enter Nirvana, you should know it refers to the profound truth that their Enlightenment has no trace of ego, and that the Nirvana they already attained is not a personal Nirvana (they did not attain it for themselves), but a continuous awareness of the suffering of others and a constant effort to save them.  It means they will not disappear or remain hidden in Nirvana until all beings also attain Nirvana.  How else can it be, when a Buddha has Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Compassion? It is something natural for a Buddha to immediately return to Samsara, in many forms, to help all unenlightened beings, while retaining His Nirvanic state of mind as without it He cannot actually save anybody because no one can lead others to a place (Nirvana) that oneself has not attained it. The aspiration of the Bodhisattva Path is to become a Buddha for all beings, so once a Bodhisattva actually becomes a Buddha, He will continue to manifest in Samsara, taking up various forms, from the highest to the lowest, and going to all the worlds and universes to turn the wheel of Dharma. Thus, He plays again and again the skilful game of a beginner who leaves family, starts practicing, and finally attains Enlightenment, doing all these in order to encourage beings in various worlds to practice the Dharma themselves.
[5] See footnote 4 of this chapter.
[6] Mahasthamaprapta too, the other companion of Amida, is also an Enlightened Bodhisattva, as He presented himself in Suranghama Sutra, when Shakyamuni asked all the Bodhisattvas in the audience to explain the methods they used for attaining Enlightenment:

"The Dharma Prince Mahastamaprapta (Great Strength), together with fifty-two fellow Bodhisattvas, arose from their seats, bowed at the Buddha's feet, and said to the Buddha:

'I remember when, as many eons ago as there are sand grains in the Ganges River, a Buddha called Limitless Light appeared in the world. During that same eon, there were twelve successive Tathagatas, the last of whom was called Light Surpassing the Sun and the Moon Buddha. Those Buddhas taught me the Buddha-Mindfulness Samadhi:

Suppose there are two people, one of whom always remembers the other, while the other has entirely forgotten about the first one. Even if these two people were to meet or see each other, it would be the same as not meeting or seeing each other. On the other hand, if two people develop intense memories for one another, then in life after life, they will be together like an object and its shadow, and they will never be separated. The Tathagatas of the ten directions are tenderly mindful of living beings just like a mother remembering her son. But if the son runs away, of what use is the mother's concern? However, if the son remembers his mother in the same way that the mother remembers her son, then in life after life mother and son will never be far apart. If living beings remember the Buddha and are mindful of the Buddha, they will certainly see the Buddha now and in the future. Being close to the Buddha, even without the aid of expedients, their hearts will open of themselves. That is like a person who, once perfumed by incense, carries the fragrance on his body. That is called the adornment of fragrance and light.

On the causal ground (when a bodhisattva in aspiration/not yet enlightened[6]), I used mindfulness of the Buddha (focus on Amida Buddha/saying of His Name in faith). Now in this world I gather in all those who are mindful of the Buddha (Amida Buddha), and I bring them to the Pure Land.
(English translation:
[7] Samantabhadra appears in some tantras of Vajrayana (Esoteric) Buddhism as the name of the awakened Buddha nature, being depicted sky-blue in color and naked meaning that He is beyond any concept. In the ninth chapter of the Tantra of the Great Perfection That Shows the Penetrating Wisdom of Samantabhadra, He says about himself:

“I, Samantabhadra, recognized from the beginning the nature of the ground - free from cause and condition [...]
My emanations are unceasing. I manifest inconceivable billions according to the needs of beings to be trained. [...] All beings of the three realms and I, the primordial Buddha, share the same basic nature. This nature for them, however, becomes the ground of confusion and they engage in the six pointless actions like delusions in a dream.
I am the primordial Buddha who tames the six types of beings through my emanations.”
(English translation:

To recognize “from the beginning the nature of the ground” means to have always dwell in the ultimate Buddha nature, no matter what forms He may manifest for the sake of unenlightened beings. In the context of our Pure Land teaching we should read the words “the primordial Buddha” in the sense that this Buddha nature in which Samantabhadra dwells has no beginning and no end. When we attain Buddhahood, we’ll also dwell in the primordial Buddha-nature and in the same time manifest everywhere “according to the needs of beings to be trained”.
[8] In the Surangama Samadhi Sutra, Manjushri is presented as an ancient Buddha who attained Buddhahood in the past, but who continues to re-manifest as a Bodhisattva:

“’At that time the elder Mahakasyapa addressed the Buddha, "World-Honored One, I suggest that Dharma Prince Manjusri has already been a Buddha in a past life. He has himself sat in the seat of Enlightenment and turned the Wheel of the Dharma, and He has manifested entry into Parinirvana to sentient beings.’
 The Buddha said, ‘Thus it is, thus it is. It is as you have spoken, Kasyapa. Long in the distant past, an immeasurable and innumerable [number of] inconceivable immeasurable eons ago, there was a Buddha who was called Paragon of the Dragons [as well as by the ten titles] Tathagata, He Who Should Receive Offerings, Of Correct and Universal Understanding, Sufficient in Wise Practice, Well-Gone, He Who Understands the World, the Unsurpassed One, He Who Disciplines Humans, Teacher of Humans and Gods, and WorldHonored Buddha. A thousand Buddha lands south of this world, there was a country called Universal Equivalence, which had neither mountains nor rivers, neither stones nor rocks, and neither hills nor dales. The land there was as flat as the palm of one's hand, and on it grew a soft grass, like that in Kalinga. When Paragon of the Dragons Buddha attained unsurpassable and perfect Enlightenment and first turned the Wheel of the Dharma in that world, He created an assembly of seven billion Bodhisattvas through His teaching. Eight billion people became Arhats, and ninety-six thousand people resided as Pratyekabuddhas [lit., resided within the dharmas of the causes and conditions of Pratyekabuddhas]. Afterward, there were also an immeasurable number of Sravaka monks.
Kasyapa, the life span of Paragon of the Dragons Buddha was four million four hundred thousand years, during which time He saved humans and gods and then entered into Nirvana. His physical relics were divided and distributed around the world, and there were erected thirty-six hundred-million stupas, at which sentient beings made offerings to Him. After that Buddha died, the Dharma remained for ten thousand years. When Paragon of the Dragons Buddha was about to enter Nirvana, He conferred a prediction [of future Enlightenment] on Brilliance of Wisdom Bodhisattva, saying, 'After I am gone, this Brilliance of Wisdom Bodhisattva will achieve unsurpassable and perfect Enlightenment. He will again be called Brilliance of Wisdom [Buddha].'
Kasyapa, could that Paragon of the Dragons Buddha of the world Universal Equivalence be anyone else? You must have no doubt! Why? It was none other than Manjusri, the Dharma prince.”
(Surangama Samadhi Sutra, translated into Chinese by Kumarajiva, English translation by John McRae, BDK English Tripitaka 25-II, 25-III, Numata Center for Translation and Research, Berkeley, California, 1998, p.79-80)
[9] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.3
[10] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.7
[11] All those who become great Buddhas spend their prior life in the Tusita Heaven.
[12] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.4
[13] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.4
[14] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.4-5
[15] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.5
[16] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.5
[17] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.5
[18] The Three Pure Land sutras, translated into English by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, revised second edition, BDK English Tripitaka12-II, II, IV, Numata Center for Buddhist translation and Research, 2003, p.5-6
[19] When you read verses about great Bodhisattvas who postpone their own attainment of Enlightenment until all beings enter Nirvana, those refer to the profound truth that their Enlightenment has no trace of ego, and that the Nirvana they attained is not a personal Nirvana (they did not attain it for themselves), but a continuous awareness of the suffering of others and a constant effort to save them.   How else can it be, when a Buddha has Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Compassion? It is something natural for a Buddha to immediately return to Samsara, in many forms, to help all unenlightened beings, while retaining His Nirvanic state of mind. The aspiration of the Bodhisattva Path is to become a Buddha for all beings, so once a Bodhisattva actually becomes a Buddha, He will continue to manifest in Samsara, taking up various forms, from the highest to the lowest, and going to all the worlds and universes to turn the wheel of Dharma. Thus, He plays again and again the skilful game of a beginner who leaves family, starts practicing, and finally attains Enlightenment, doing all these in order to encourage beings in various worlds to practice the Dharma themselves.  
We who entrust to Amida Buddha will also become such active Buddhas who manifest as Bodhisattvas after we are born in His Pure Land, after death. This is what Amida promised in His 22nd Vow, and this is the meaning of the term "bodhisattva" from that vow.
[20] “The devas, humans, and asuras in all the worlds all think that the present Buddha, Śhakyamuni, left the palace of the Sakyas, sat on the terrace of Enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya, and attained highest, complete Enlightenment. However, O sons of a virtuous family, immeasurable, limitless, hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of kalpas have passed since I actually attained Buddhahood. […]Since then I have constantly been residing in the Saha world, teaching the Dharma and inspiring sentient beings. I have also been leading and benefiting sentient beings in incalculable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of other worlds.”
The Lotus Sutra, chapter 16  (Taishō Volume 9, Number 262), translated from the Chinese of Kumarajiva by Tsugunari Kubo and Akira Yuyama, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research,  2007, p223-224 
[21] Hymns of the Pure Land - The Collected Works of Shinran, Shin Buddhism Translation Series, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha, Kyoto, 1997, p.349 In Shinran’s day, Gaya – the place where Shakyamuni attained Enlightenment – was sometimes confused with Kapilavastu, his birthplace (note of the translator).
[22] Each universe has its own Tusita heaven and other heavens of the gods, as well as human realms, demigods, animals, pretas and hells. Maitreya is now residing in the Tusita heaven of our Saha universe.
[23] “Then the venerable Ananda asked, ‘Blessed One, what were the skillful means to which the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Maitreya adhered, thus accomplishing supreme, perfect Enlightenment?’
The Blessed One replied, ‘Ananda, when formerly the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Maitreya engaged in the conduct of a bodhisattva (when He was a bodhisattva in aspiration), He would drape His shawl over one shoulder, set His right knee on the ground, and put the palms of His hands together three times during the day and three times during the night. Making all the Buddhas visible, He would then speak to them in these words:
“ ‘Homage to all the Buddhas! Homage to the bodhisattvas, those sages with the divine eye, and to the Sravakas, too.
Homage to the mind of Enlightenment which reverses all negative rebirths, shows the path to higher rebirths, and leads beings to the state without aging or death.
Whatever negative actions I have done under the influence of mind, here in the presence of the Buddhas I confess them.
Whatever accumulation of merit I have produced through the three kinds of action, may it be the seed of my omniscience and inexhaustible Enlightenment.
Whatever offerings to the Buddhas arise in all realms throughout the ten directions, the Buddhas know and rejoice in them, and at that I myself rejoice.
I confess all negative actions. I rejoice in all meritorious acts. I pay homage to all the Buddhas. May I attain supreme awareness! 
I exhort the bodhisattvas of all ten directions who abide on the ten bodhisattva levels to attain supreme Enlightenment.
May they become truly Enlightened Buddhas, overcoming negative influences of every kind, and then, to benefit living beings, may they turn the wheel of the Dharma.
Through the sound of the great Dharma drum, may they bring the suffering of sentient beings to an end. For unimaginable millions of eons,may they teach the Dharma and continue to remain in this world.
I beg you, best of all humans, look upon those who are trapped in the swamp of desire, and tightly bound by the cords of craving, fettered in every kind of bond.
Buddhas, do not belittle those whose minds are defiled, but with loving intent toward all sentient beings, save them from the sea of existence.
May I train in the footsteps of the perfect Buddhas- those present now, those of the past, and those of the future, and may I engage in the conduct of the bodhisattvas.
May I complete the six perfections and liberate beings of the six realms. May I realize the six supernormal powers and reach supreme Enlightenment.
Unproduced and non-arising, without self-nature or location, neither mental cognition, nor substance - may I realize the teaching of emptiness.
Just like the Buddha, the great sage, may I realize the teaching of non-self: a sentient being does not exist, nor does a living being, nor does an individual, or a person.
May I not dwell on there being anything substantial, a belief in a self, or what I take to be mine, but in order to make all sentient beings happy, may I give everything away without miserliness.
Since material objects do not really exist, may my wealth be spontaneously accomplished. Since all material objects decay, may I complete the perfection of generosity.
Possessing conduct that is flawless, conduct that is perfect, and conduct that is without arrogance, may I complete the perfection of moral conduct.
Like the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, not dwelling on anything, with patience and free of anger, may I complete the perfection of patience.
Through assiduous application of diligence, may I have constant enthusiasm without laziness, and with strength of body and mind, may I complete the perfection of diligence.
Through magic-like meditative concentration, meditative concentration of bravery, and vajra-like meditative concentration, may I complete the perfection of meditation.
Actualizing the three gates to liberation, the sameness of the three times, and the threefold knowledge, may I complete the perfection of wisdom.
May I be praised by all the Buddhas, and blaze with light and splendor; through the diligence of a bodhisattva,
may my intention be fulfilled.

Thus engaging in such conduct, may I, who am known as Maitreya, complete the six perfections and dwell on the ten bodhisattva levels.’
‘Ananda, those are the skillful means through which the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Maitreya, by adhering to them, through the easy vehicle, the easy entry, and the easy path, perfectly accomplished supreme, perfect, and complete Enlightenment.’”
The Question of Maitreya Sutra, (Skr. Ārya­maitreya­paripṛcchā­nāma­mahā­yāna­sūtra, Tib.’phags pa byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo), translated from Tibetan by Karen Liljenberg under the patronaje and supervision of 84,000: Translating the Words of the Buddha,
[24] The Three Pure Land Sutras - A Study and Translation from Chinese by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai and Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Kyoto, 2003, p.52

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