Sunday, December 2, 2018

New guest room at Amidaji

the myogo on the altar was donated
by Cheusa Wend from USA. She also
donated the myogo from the library

After my father (who donated the land for the temple) died, my mother agreed that I can use for Amidaji half of the house where she and father lived  (almost 50 meters from the Hondo  and library), with a separate entrance, so I started to arrange a new space for guests and a guest room there.

this hallway is also used for
guests during retreats
This new guest room can be used especially if the library is already occupied. Here there is a small altar with a myogo. All guest rooms I build or arrange for guests will have a small altar with a myogo (six character Name - Namo Amida Butsu) and/or statue of Amida. 

A new electrical system is also installed in the new place for guests. One of our members Catalin Suru is working on it. Above you can see the photo with the finished work (a few weeks ago) and bellow you can see photos from since the work started, a few months ago.
If you wish to help Amidaji temple please consider a small DONATION by going to this link (click here to donate).The funds I am able to raise will also be used to buy more firewood for this winter, which is usually, the hardest time of the year. Any little help is very much appreciated and gratefully received.
Namo Amida Bu

me adding a new carpet on the floor

installing the new electrical system

installing the new electrical system

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