Monday, February 1, 2021

On the Golden Chain document

source of the photo
Shingan asked me to comment on the Golden Chain document which is sometimes recited like a creed at the start of religious services in many of the temples in US: 

“I am a link in Amida Buddha’s Golden Chain of Love that stretches around the world. I must keep my link bright and strong.
I will try to be kind and gentle to every living thing and protect all who are weaker than myself.
I will try to think pure and beautiful thoughts, to say pure and beautiful words, and to do pure and beautiful deeds, knowing that on what I do now depends not only my happiness or unhappiness, but also that of others.
May every link in Amida’s Golden Chain of Love be bright and strong, and may we all attain Perfect Peace.”
The “Golden Chain of Love” was written by Dorothy Hunt in Hawaii about 90 years ago and it became a traditional recitation in the temples belonging to the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) as well as in the youth services for Dharma School, Young Buddhist groups, scouting and basketball programs. 

Monday, January 25, 2021



Эта книга представляет собой адаптацию моих бесед о Дхарме на тему «Таннисё — Заметки скорбящего об отступничестве», которые я читал в Тарики Додзё города Крайовы в обычные дни практики.

Юйэн-бо, автор «Таннисё», предупреждал, что этот текст может быть неправильно понят теми, кто ещё не готов принять послание Изначального Обета Будды Амиды:

«Не следует показывать его посторонним».

Об этом же говорил и Мастер Рэннё, который добавил следующие слова в окончании «Таннисё»:

«Эти строки, толкующие священное писание, очень важны для нашего Учения. Не следует без нужды показывать их тем, кто не обладает кармой добродетели с прошлых жизней».

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The salvation of queen Vaidehi

 The Contemplation Sutra[1] was taught in the context   of a  tragedy in the royal family of Magadha[2]. Master  Shan-tao[3]   who wrote a commentary on this sutra[4]  gave a detailed   account  of what happened. As there is  no English translation   available of his commentary I quote Rev Hisao Inagaki’s   summary of Shan-tao’s explanation:
 “Shakyamuni had a cousin, Devadatta, who was greedy for fame   and wealth. Seeing the Buddha receive many offerings from   King  Bimbisara, he wanted to take over the leadership of the   sangha. He first learned supernatural power from Ananda,   which  he displayed to Prince  Ajatasatru; thus he won the   respect of the prince and also received sumptuous offerings from him. Devadatta then approached Shakyamuni and suggested that the Buddha retire but was rebuked for his stupidity. Angered by this, he next incited Ajatasatru to usurp the throne.
Seeing that Ajatasatru hesitated, Devadatta pointed at the prince’s broken little finger and told him the following story.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Members of Amidaji: Chikai Ana Galo (Uruguay)

Hello my Dharma name is Chikai, which means "The Ocean of Wisdom". (of Amida's Primal Vow)
My name is Ana Galo Suárez, I am 47 years old and I live in my native country Uruguay.
When I was about 8 years old my mother bought me a children's Bible, I think that channeled the sense of faith in something bigger than me. I vividly recall some personal religious experiences related to the perception I had of a supreme reality. These thoughts were so deep that they moved me to tears.
When I was 10 years old I reflected a lot upon religious matters. I  eagerly sought high and low for the Truth, the connection with a Supreme reality that I had only an intuition about but I couldn't  name or comprehend.
I had some supernatural and wonderful experiences that I relate to spiritual dimensions as these profound experiences caused a mysterious feeling of compassion inside me.
Everything related to Chinese culture attracted me and when I was about 23 years old I began to practice Self Defense, part of the martial arts tradition of  Kung Fu.

Friday, January 15, 2021

ADORANDO AL BUDA AMIDA: Liturgias y ceremonias del Templo Amidaji (Spanish Edition)

Todas las partes de este libro, cada palabra y explicación están destinadas a ayudar al lector a concentrarse exclusivamente en el Buda Amida y recordarlo en todos los aspectos de la vida diaria. Aunque está dedicado a la Sangha del Templo Internacional de Amidaji, espero que las personas que no son miembros también lo encuentren útil. No se necesita iniciación o empoderamiento para seguir las liturgias y las instrucciones que se presentan aquí, así que siéntete libre de elegir lo que te guste. 

En el libro encontrarás todas nuestras liturgias e himnos con transcripciones fonéticas y traducciones al español así como consejos útiles sobre cómo adorar al Buda Amida, cómo arreglar un altar, cómo hacer ofrendas, cómo ayudar a seres no humanos (fantasmas hambrientos , seres del bardo, animales, etc.) y muchas otras instrucciones útiles.

Dharma talks on my youtube channel