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Friday, June 17, 2022

Do not despise other Buddhas, Dharma Gates and Buddhist teachings because you have faith in Amida

Honen Shonin said: 

"Just because one relies solely upon Amida Buddha and believes only in Nembutsu, do not make light of the compassionate vows of various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or think ill of and slander wondrous sutras such as the Lotus Sutra or the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. The karma of defaming myriad Buddhas and of doubting and slandering many holy teachings is not in harmony with the heart of Amida Buddha. Such actions would certainly exclude one from His compassionate Vow even if one recites Nembutsu”.[1] 


This excellent teaching of Honen Shonin is fundamental to our Amidaji school. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Is Amida Buddha a real person or a symbol/metaphor?

the altar of Amidaji temple
- fragment from a letter to a friend - 

Question: Is Amida a symbol or metaphor for Wisdom and Compassion? Some scholars nowadays support this idea.

Answer: Those scholars are wrong. Amida Buddha is NOT a symbol or metaphor for Wisdom and Compassion, but a real, existing Enlightened Person possessing Infinite Wisdom and Compassion. 
I always insist on the actual, literal existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land because without realizing and accepting this existence, faith of unenlightened people becomes abstract and false. There can be no real faith without a real object of faith – in our case, Amida Buddha.
If you can’t say it to yourself and others that the object of your faith is a real, living Buddha, then you don’t have faith. No matter how great scholar you are, if your knowledge and study has not simplified your faith, and if you can’t talk about faith in simple terms, then you don’t have faith.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Assurance of attaining Nirvana in the Pure Land through faith and praising of Amida’s merits by all Buddhas - commentary on section 22 of the Larger Sutra

“The Buddha said to Ananda, ‘Sentient beings who are born in that Buddha land all reside among those assured of Nirvana. The reason is that in that land there are neither beings who are destined to adverse conditions nor those whose destinies are uncertain.

‘All Buddha Tathagatas in the ten directions, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, together praise the inconceivable, supernal virtue of Amitayus. All sentient beings who, having heard His Name, rejoice in faith, think of Him even once, and sincerely transfer the merit of virtuous practices to that land, aspiring to be born there, will attain birth and dwell in the stage
of non-retrogression. But excluded are those who have committed the five grave offenses and abused the Right Dharma.’”

Monday, February 26, 2018

A detailed explanation of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha

In this category of articles I intend to offer you a somewhat new and more in-depth explanation of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha, besides the one I already did many years ago.

"If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten quarters who sincerely entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and say my Name perhaps even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain the supreme Enlightenment. Excluded are those who commit the five grave offenses and those who slander the right Dharma." (The Primal Vow of Amida Buddha)

3) The meaning of "sincerely entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and say my Name perhaps even ten times"

4) The so called "exclusion" in the Primal Vow - "excluded are those who commit the five grave offenses and those who slander the right Dharma"

The so called “exclusion” in the Primal Vow: „excluded are those who commit the five grave offenses and those who slander the right Dharma."

-  updated and revised on September 22nd 2019 - 

"If,when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten quarters who sincerely entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and say my Name perhaps even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain the supreme Enlightenment. Excluded are those who commit the five grave offenses and those who slander the right Dharma."
(The Primal Vow of Amida Buddha)

Many people that come in contact with the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha experience two types of reactions: they are happy when reading the all-inclusive message in the first part, but they get unsure right after reading the last sentence: "excluded are those who commit the five grave offenses[1] and those who slander the right Dharma”.

Friday, August 7, 2015

The grave karmic consequence of denying the transcendent reality of Amida Buddha

- based on Master T’an-luan’s Ojoronchu -

Master T'an-luan (476-542)
The Three Buddha Bodies (aspects) and the Two Buddha Bodies doctrines are usually not properly understood by those who don't accept the existence of the many transcendent Buddhas in Mahayana[1]. While the true reason for such an attitude is their materialistic vision of the universe, they often use the formless Dharmakaya (Dharmakaya of Dharma-nature) as an excuse and argument to reduce all transcendent manifestations to mere symbols or metaphors, or even go so far as to blame „folk Buddhism” for their presence in the canonical writings.
But surely, Master T’an-luan did not share such distorted views when he clearly said that exactly because Dharmakaya is formless, there is no form which it cannot manifest”:

„Unconditioned Dharmakaya is the body of Dharma-nature. Because Dharma-nature is Nirvanic, Dharmakaya is formless. Because it is formless, there is no form which it cannot manifest. Therefore, the body adorned with the marks of excellence is itself Dharmakaya”.

Friday, July 31, 2015


Here is a collection of articles posted on this website. For more articles, books, photos, and news please look at the navbar and on the left and right columns.

There is no supreme creator god in the Buddha Dharma
Some Buddhist explanations on the origin and existence of the universe
Two questions on Buddha-nature and Samsara
Belief in a creator god is an obstacle to shinjin (faith in Amida Buddha)
The six realms of samsaric existence

The Buddhist teaching on man, rebirth, and karma
The influence of past karma and the impossibility of becoming a Buddha in this life
Karmic evils do not create hindrance to birth in the Pure Land

About Amida Buddha and His Pure Land
The Story of Amida Buddha as told by Shakyamuni Buddha
The Infinite Life of Amida Buddha - explanation of the 13th Vow
The Infinite Life of Amida Buddha - explanation of the 12th Vow
The Three Bodies (Aspects) of Amida Buddha
Master T'an-luan on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land
The Relation between the Doctrine of the "Two Buddha Bodies" and "Three Buddha Bodies" (Trikaya) of Amida Buddha
Amida as the eternal Buddha and the Buddha described in the Larger Sutra
Amida is not an abstract concept but a living Buddha
Those who deny the existence of Amida don't have shinjin - some simple explanations
Amida is a real Buddha - video teaching by Paul Roberts
Honen Shonin on Amida Buddha
 The Safe Enlightened Realm of Amida Buddha
The Pure Land in the teaching of Jodo Shinshu
The manifestations of the Pure Land - short explanations of the 32nd Vow of Amida Buddha
The Pure Land of Amida reveals in its Light all the Buddha lands - explanation of the 31st Vow of Amida Buddha
The two aspects of the Pure Land
Trees of Enlightenment
The reason for the western location of the Pure Land and its wonderful description in the sutras
Does the Pure Land really exists?
What part of our mind goes to the Pure Land?

The purpose of Shakyamuni Buddha's coming to this world
The smartest guy in the room

The three Dharma ages
Jodo Shinshu - the only effective path in this last Dharma age

Aspiration to become a Buddha - the most important matter
Don't rely on "all beings will eventually become Buddhas"
Entering the Jodo Shinshu Path
Only for me, Shinran
The miracle of Jodo Shinshu
Our Path is simple
The effect is similar to the cause - difference between the Path of self-power and the Pure Land Path
Concentrate exclusively on Amida Buddha
What is the meaning of faith (shinjin) and nembutsu
Nembutsu of faith and gratitude
The dream world and the nembutsu of faith
All Buddhas praise the Name of Amida Buddha - explanation of the 17th Vow
Three Vows of salvation - explanation of the 18th, 19th and 20th Vows of Amida Buddha
The so called "exclusion" in the Primal Vow of Amida
Birth in the borderland of the Pure Land - commentary on the 17th chapter of Tannisho
No discrimination of women in the salvation of Amida Buddha - explanation of the 35th Vow
The peace and happiness of shinjin - explanation of the 33rd Vow
Equal to Maitreya Buddha
Shinjin is not mind created
On doubts and fears
Question: How can one know that he received shinjin if he has no access to a temple and priest?
Just say the Name in faith
Nembutsu does not work because of us
Faith is simple, nothing special
Shinjin: knowing, not experiencing
Do not rely on your spiritual evolution
Realizing our limitations in daily life
Don't play smart in Samsara
Jump in the arms of Amida
Do not worry about wandering thoughts
About your thoughts and bad tendencies that do not stop after receiving shinjin
How can the ego become a Buddha?
The ten benefits in this life of a nembutsu follower
Shinjin and Buddha-nature
Merit transference from Amida Buddha to the practitioner
Faith and nembutsu are not our creations
Two questions on "faith and nembutsu are not our creation"
Question: discrimination in the saving activity of Amida?
The alaya storehouse consciousness and faith in Amida Buddha
Repentance in Jodo Shinshu
"Good" for birth in the Pure Land
Those who deny the existence of Amida don't have shinjin (faith)
Enjoy the taste of nembutsu
Four misconceptions concerning the nembutsu
Self power as obstacle to nembutsu
Many recitations of nembutsu - a question
Saying nembutsu as many times as we like - a story
No meditation, just nembutsu
We cannot mix nembutsu with zazen
No zazen here for this ignorant man
Nembutsu recitation (audio)
Difference between Jodoshu and Jodo Shinshu
Complete peace of mind

If nembutsu is true and real
If Amida's Primal Vow is true...
What do I mean by "modern heresies"?
Belief in a creator god is an obstacle to shinjin
The story of Amida Buddha as told by Shakyamuni
My responsibility
An example of the false teachings of Kiyozawa Manshi
Guard the gates of the temple
Do not use Amida Dharma for worldly matters
Official position of Hongwanji on the matter of after death birth in the Pure Land
Amida is not an abstract concept, but a living Buddha
Notes on the 16th European Shinshu Conference
Those who deny the existence of Amida don't have shinjin - some simple explanations
The reason for the western location of the Pure Land and its wonderful description in the sutras
The Pure Land in the teaching of Jodo Shinshu
Honen Shonin on Amida Buddha
Amida is a real Buddha - video teaching by Paul Roberts
Build barricades of true Shinshu Dharma in your own town and country
Against the view that the Pure Land sutras are not Shakyamuni's teaching, but a later invention
Does the Pure Land really exists?
Next European Shinshu Conference supposed to be held in Romania was cancelled
Exclusion from the German sangha due to my uncompromising attitude against modern divergences
Which teachers are actually worth listening to?
A Dharma dialogue on modern divergences from the Jodo Shinshu teaching
More on modern divergences from the Jodo Shinshu teaching
A book by Unno is denied access to the library of Tariki Dojo
Reactions to my criticism of Unno's writing (part1)
Reactions to my criticism of Unno's writing (part2)
Against Shigaraki's false teachings
Kobai Sensei's statement (video): Amida is a true and real Buddha, not a fictional character
Reactions against Kobai Sensei's statement and my answers (part1)
Reactions against Kobai Sensei's statement and my answers (part2)
Some discussions on the nature of Amida Buddha
Letter to a non-Jodo Shinshu friend about modern heresies and respect for all Buddhist schools

A few verses on the right attitude of hearing the Amida Dharma
Rennyo Shonin on sangha - what can we learn from him
Listen deeply - video teaching by Paul Roberts
It is difficult...
Do not place your teacher on a pedestal
A test for your understanding of the Jodo Shinshu teaching

You are not your body
Shinjin is freedom from death
Immediate Buddhahood for ordinary people without passing through Bardo
State of mind in the moment of death
Question: what part of our mind goes to the Pure Land?
Because you are an ordinary person
On the "here and now" slogan
Again on the "here and now" slogan
Do NOT have patience
Time for practice
The meaning of Obon - festival of the dead
Death barrier
Brutal awareness
Intense awareness of impermanence
Disgusted with Samsara
On "White Ashes"
Solve the matter of death and after-death now

No self-improving programs for Jodo Shinshu followers
The meaning of "there are no precepts"
Words of Rennyo useful for meat eaters
Again on Jodo Shinshu ethics

The right attitude of mind when working for Amidaji
A vision with Amida Buddha
Enjoy the presence of the Buddhas
Sincere letter to a nice and virtuous Buddhist practitioner
Ordination as a way to the lower realms or the Pure Land
Thoughts on what is really important and joy of being a priest
Why do I shave my head
Chanting in the middle of personal chaos
The only path for me
I was a "good" Buddhist
The most important words for me

The parable of the two rivers and the white path
A story of Shinran's meeting with a hungry ghost

Articles, news and photos related with the construction of Amidaji temple
Guard the gates of the temple
Beyond physical and ideological barriers
Sangha as spiritual friendship
Question: are gay and lesbians welcomed in the dojo or temple?
The nembutsu meetings in the Romanian Jodo Shinshu sangha
Rules of the dojo/temple
Why do we need discipline in a dojo or temple?
Traditional respect toward one's teacher

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Master T’an-luan on Amida Buddha and the Pure Land (the doctrine of the two Buddha bodies)

                                      - based on his teachings in the Ojoronchu[1] -

Master T’an-luan (476-542)
According to T’an-luan, all Buddhas, including Amida, have two bodies (aspects):

„1. Dharmakaya of Dharma-nature and 2. Dharmakaya of Expediency.”
The first is the ultimate, unconditioned reality beyond form, which is equally shared by all Buddhas[2], while the second is the specific and particular manifestation of each Buddha for the sake of saving sentient beings.

The relation between the two is described as follows:

„From the Dharmakaya of Dharma nature originates the Dharmakaya of Expediency; through the Dharmakaya of Expediency, the Dharmakaya of Dharma nature is revealed. These two Dharmakayas are different, but inseparable; they are one but not the same.”[3]

This is a very important aspect that is not properly understood by those who don’t accept the existence of the many transcendent Buddhas in Mahayana[4]. While the true reason for such an attitude is their materialistic vision of the universe, they often use the formless Dharmakaya as an excuse and argument to reduce all transcendent manifestations to mere symbols or metaphors, or even go so far as to blame „folk Buddhism” for their presence in the canonical writings.
But surely, T’an-luan did not shared such distorted views when he clearly said that exactly because Dharmakaya is formless, there is no form which it cannot manifest”:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The manifestations of the Pure Land – short explanation of the 32nd Vow of Amida Buddha

revised and updated September 21st 2019 

If, when I attain Buddhahood, all the myriads of manifestations in my land, from the ground to the sky, such as palaces, pavilions, ponds, streams and trees, should not be composed both of countless treasures, which surpass in supreme excellence anything in the worlds of humans and devas, and of a hundred thousand kinds of aromatic wood, whose fragrance pervades all the worlds of the ten quarters, causing all bodhisattvas who sense it to perform Buddhist practices, then may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.[1]
the 32nd Vow

The wonderful manifestations of the Pure Land are described at length in sections 14 to 21 as well as in other parts of the Larger Sutra. Especially, this passage from section 16 shows the fulfilment of the 32nd Vow:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

About petitionary prayers and superstitions

What do you think about petitionary prayers and superstitions? How can one use Nembutsu as a petitionary prayer?  
My answer: To say the Name of Amida in order to receive worldly benefits, like wealth, possessions, success in love affairs, etc., or to think that by reciting it in a certain manner will bring good luck and good fortune is to use the Nembutsu as a petitionary prayer and as a superstition.
To believe in luck is in itself a superstition as this implies the denial of the law of karma according to which one reaps what one sows. Luck it is said to appear from nowhere or from the will of a divine being, while the karma implies that everything has a cause in one’s own actions, deeds and thoughts. One cannot be a Buddhist and believe in luck or good fortune. Thus, the urge that we often meet in Jodo Shinshu to not depend on petitionary prayers and superstitions were especially promulgated to prevent us from falling in two wrong views:

1. to misinterpret Nembutsu as a divination method or a petitionary prayer for worldly benefits, and

Friday, August 20, 2010

A vision with Amida Buddha

Today I wish to share with you a personal experience which happened many years ago, even before I became a priest. Whether you believe me or not, it doesn’t matter, as I can’t prove to you that I am telling the truth.  So, you may treat this testimony as you wish. 

Arround 4 a.m. I  woke up from the bed, not feeling well due to a bad experience and an ugly dream I had that night, and I went straight to my personal altar. There I started to say the nembutsu.
Suddenly an image of Amida Buddha appeared floating in the air and a bright but impossible to describe light came from his head toward me. The image was somehow the same as the one from the altar but more bright and with that beautiful light.
When I saw the image and light I instantly became calm and I was overwhelmed with a sense of safety and security. I felt  and I also heard in my head something like "don't worry I am here and I am protecting you". All that experience lasted less than a minute, so I didn't have enough time to savor it, but I felt it very strong and real. It was as if I was looking at somebody sitting in front of me - this is how I saw that image of Amida Buddha. And it was so unexpected.
With that strong sense of security and peace I could finally went to sleep again.

I often remember that experience, and although it may sound incredibile, I know it really happened. And it was not a dream, but a fully awake experience. It is like seeing somebody right in front of me, this is how I saw Amida Buddha’s image emanating clear light. 

I know other ordinary Pure Land followers like me had simmilar experiences, but few dare to speak freely about them. However, today I decided to speak. I was thinking a lot whether to do it or not, as I was and I am still afraid that some might call me a liar or a crazy person having hallucinations…. But as I can do nothing to change their opinions, I think is better to stop worrying about it. We live in a secularized world where to have or speak about such religious experiences or visions might attract exclusion from the company of the so called, respectable people. 

I also hope the readers will realize the mechanism of these experiences and not have a wrong understanding. They appear only due to Amida's Power and not because of some merits on the part of the practitioner. Every good experience the believer has, is due only to Amida. They just happen or don’t happen at all. I think we should not worry if they don’t appear. Certainly, we should not depend on miraculous events or visions.

Whether we have or not have such experiences it has nothing to do with our birth in the Pure Land, as this comes naturally only due to shinjin (faith).  Diamond like faith is all that matters in Jodo Shinshu and this is nothing special, but a simple, firm entrusting to Amida Buddha.
I am not a special kind of person because I had that vision, on the contrary, I remained the same ordinary person as before.  I really don’t know why it happened, but it surely happened and for this I feel grateful to Amida. 

Again, it was a real event in my life and I don’t care if others believe me or not. Indeed I had a vision with Amida Buddha who appeared in front of me in a form adapted to my mind. Nobody can take this experience from me.  

Namo Amida Butsu

- please also read the article Faith is simple, nothing special

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Next European Shinshu Conference supposed to be held in Romania was cancelled

I recently received the official news of the cancelation of the next European Shinshu Conference which was supposed to be held in Romania, although I heard rumors about this before, from members of various sanghas who support me and gave me this information.

Exclusion from the German Shinshu Sangha

Here is an official document sent to me by the leadership of the German Shinshu sangha and bellow you can see my answer. Some time ago I was invited to become a member of this sangha although I am not a German, and I guess the reason was that they liked me and my style of teaching the Dharma. But after I wrote that article against Unno and other texts that came after it in the section “divergences from Jodo Shinshu teaching”, they decided that I should be kicked out. Its ok, I have nothing against exclusions, I just wanted to show you that I am not the only one capable of radical attitudes, like my action of excluding books written by Unno from the library of Tariki Dojo was considered to be.

Dharma talks on my youtube channel