Thursday, August 31, 2023

The difference between personal power (jiriki) and the Power of Amida Buddha (Tariki) - video teaching


Here is a new video in the series of the 71 topics of examination for those who want to be ordained in Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The main speaker is my student Kosho Arana from Colombia. His presentation is based on my book AMIDA DHARMA - the essential doctrine of Amidaji temple

Kosho Arana is scheduled to receive monk (priest) ordination soon, together with Daigan from Uruguay. He already finished all the examinations with me but we continue this public presentation so that people find how we do things at Amidaji, and what a candidate for ordination needs to know. 

May all beings create indestructible connections with Amida Buddha, entrust to Him, say His Name and wish to be born in His Pure Land.

Namo Amida Bu 

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