Thursday, December 5, 2019

An example of the false teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh

 updated and revised on September 3, 2021
This is a striking example of false teaching and false teacher. No matter how popular he is among many ignorants, I say this again - this is false teaching and he is a false teacher!

You cannot be a Christian and a Buddhist in the same time for the simple reason that Christianity (and any monotheistic religion) promotes faith in a creator and supreme god. This idea of a creator and supreme god is denied by Shakyamuni Buddha. Please read the chapter “There is no supreme creator god in the Buddha Dharma” from my book The True Teaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land which is filled with quotes from the Baka Brahma sutra. Also read the entire first part of the same book.
Somebody who accepts the idea of a supreme creator god who is also judge of the world, as Christians do (their god is both creator and judge), does not understand the law of karma. The idea of somebody who created and rules everything is contrary to the Buddhist teachings on being, karma and rebirth. You cannot just practice Buddhism while following wrong views because if you do that you put yourself outside of Buddhist practice. Right views must always accompany right practice!

Buddhism also means to worship the Buddha. Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha himself encouraged Ananda to worship Amida Buddha in the Larger Sutra: "The Buddha said to Ananda, ‘Rise to your feet, rearrange your robes, put your palms together, and respectfully revere and worship Amitayus (Amida)." And Ananda did as instructed: "Ananda stood up, rearranged his robes, assumed the correct posture, faced westward, and, demonstrating his sincere reverence, joined his palms together, prostrated himself on the ground, and worshiped Amitayus (Amida)."

Pure Land Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu in particular is a faith oriented type of Buddhism. Here we entrust to Amida Buddha, we say His Name in faith, we worship Him and we wish to be born in His Pure Land after death. Also, worshiping of Buddhas in general has always been considered a meritorious practice in many other forms of Buddhism. In His Primal Vow, Amida Buddha said "entrust to me, say my Name and wish to be born in my land". These are exclusive requirements, not things that can be mixed with faith in other non-Buddhist divinities. So NO, you cannot be a Christian and follow the Primal Vow! Unfortunately, some think that Thich Nhat Hanh also teaches Pure Land! No he doesn't!

There are many things to say here. I do not deny Thich Nhat Hahn helped some people become more mindful or calm through his meditations, but if you want real Buddhist teaching and practice he is NOT the right place to go! By spreading such wrong views as the above he in fact, breaks his refuge vows. What he teaches is NOT Buddhism, but some kind of relaxation and feel good teachings.

The Three Refuges (the refuge vows) are, as the term implies, a „refuge” but also an engagement, a vow and commitment that from now on we will forever take refuge in the Buddhas, the Dharma and Sangha. When we say „I take refuge in the Buddha” it means ONLY in the Buddha, when we say, „I take refuge in the Dharma” it means ONLY in the Dharma, and when we say, „I take refuge in the Sangha” it means ONLY in the Sangha. The Three Refuges are exclusive vows. One should stop any non-Buddhist religious activities after taking refuge in the Three Jewels. If one prays to other non-Buddhist divine figures, engages in non-Buddhist practices and has non-Buddhist religious teachers from whom he receives teachings and instructions, that person breaks the Refuge vows and from then on he or she can no longer be considered a Buddhist. This is extremely important. Here are some passages from the sutras that I often use:

"If one has taken refuge in the Buddha, one must not further take refuge in various gods."

The Nirvana Sutra states (as quoted by Shinran in his KGSS, VI)

"Those who take refuge truly and wholeheartedly, freeing themselves from all delusional attachments and all concern with the propitious or unpropitious, must never take refuge in false spirits or non-Buddhist teachings.”
(Sutra of the Ten Wheels of Ksitigarbha, quoted by Shinran in Kyogyoshinsho, chapter VI)

“Good sons and good daughters of pure trust must never serve gods to the very end of their lives.”
(Sutra of the Vows of Medicine Master Buddha, quoted by Shinran in his Kyogyoshinsho, chapter VI)

So again, you cannot be a Buddhist practitioner and a Christian! Those who think they can, are actually outside both Buddhism and Christianity. They fail both paths.

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