Sunday, April 28, 2019

Favorable conditions for accepting the Larger Sutra in faith - commentary on verses 21 - 30 from section 27 of the Larger Sutra

After the episode with the visit of Bodhisattvas and prediction for their attainment of Buddhahood, Shakyamuni continues with explaining the conditions of meeting with the teaching of the Larger Sutra and how precious and inconceivable this Dharma is.

“Without a store of good from former lives,
One cannot hear this sutra;
But those who have strictly observed the precepts
Can hear the Right Dharma.

One who has met a World-honoured One in the past
Can accept this teaching.
Such a person respectfully worships, hears,
And upholds it, and rejoices so greatly as to dance.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Visit of Bodhisattvas from other worlds to Sukhavati and prediction for attaining Buddhahood for them and all beings – commentary on section 26 – 27 of the Larger Sutra

 As we have already seen in section 22 (“all Buddha Tathagatas in the ten directions, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, together praise the inconceivable, supernal virtue of Amitayus”[1]), Shakyamuni mentions again the praising of Amida and His virtues, in section 26:

“The Buddha said to Ananda, ‘The majestic virtue of Amitayus is boundless. All the innumerable, countless, and inconceivable Buddha Tathagatas in the worlds of the ten directions praise Him.’”[2]

Whenever we read about such praise by all Buddhas we should know it also means praising Amida’s method of salvation which, among the methods invented by all Buddhas, it is the easiest to bring ALL beings, no matter their spiritual evolution, to the attainment of Nirvana. By praising Amida and His merits, they automatically praise His Name as all His merits are manifested into His Name which is easy to pronounce by anybody. All such praising are related with the 17th Vow where Dharmakara promised that when He becomes Amida, all Buddhas will praise His Name.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Invitation to become a patron (constant supporter) of Amidaji by little monthly donations

As you well know, all my Dharma activities, my books, and articles are available for FREE to all who wish to learn about the orthodox Jodo Shinshu Buddhist teaching. Also, at Amidaji temple there are NO taxes or fees for accommodation, religious services or teaching activities. 
Yes, I do have the printed editions of my books on sale on Amidaji website, but I also provide, (according to my religious vow), free online editions for those who can't afford or simply don't want to buy.  Also, printed editions are sometimes given as gifts at various occasions and to people who cannot read online or in pdf, and also cannot afford to buy. 
I am glad to say that, for example, at every two printed copies sold per month, I have at least 50 copies downloaded for free. This is good news and a sign that what I teach and write is useful to many.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Portada de la versión inglesa

Este libro es un proyecto a largo plazo que comenzó hace unos años como reacción a la aparición en la sangha internacional de algunas opiniones divergentes que amenazan con destruir las posibilidades de que muchas personas escuchen el genuino Dharma de Amida. También es un trabajo en progreso, y el lector puede esperar que vuelva, tarde o temprano, con nuevas ediciones y mejoras.

Como todos sabemos, el Dharma es el segundo de los Tres Tesoros (Buda, Dharma y Sangha) en los que todos nos refugiamos cuando nos convertimos en discípulos budistas. En pocas palabras, el papel de la Sangha es asegurar una transmisión genuina del Dharma como fue enseñado por el Buda Shakyamuni y los Maestros de nuestra tradición (Jodo Shinshu), para que todos podamos recibir fe (shinjin) y alcanzar la Budeidad en la Tierra Pura. Sin tal transmisión adecuada, en realidad no hay Sangha y no hay posibilidad para la liberación del nacimiento y la muerte, es decir, no hay posibilidad para convertirnos a nosotros mismos en budas.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

No need for special consecration ceremonies for Amida's images

Question: Should I ask a priest to consecrate the image of Amida Buddha before or after I install it on my altar?

My answer: There is NO need for that. You can simply ask nicely Amida Buddha to bless your image or statue, and I am sure He will not refuse you 🙂. But you do not even need to ask or think about a blesing or consecration as Amida's blessings are always received by those who have faith in Him. If you say Amida's Name in faith while looking to an image of Amida, that is all the consecration you need.

Why should somebody intervene between you and Amida Buddha? The role of the priest or teacher is only to guide you to become more open to Amida, answer your questions, teach you the right Amida Dharma, warn you against wrong views, etc, and nothing more. The priest does not have special powers to attract Amida's blessings than any other ordinary person of simple faith. So don't worry and don't fall prey to those who pretend to be followers of our school and assume such a fake mystical role.

Jodo Shinshu Buddhist path (Amida Dharma) is a personal relation between Amida Buddha and you. As long as you say His Name in faith, Amida is always present. In fact, He has been present for all beings since He attained Buddhahood, always trying His best to make them trust Him and connect to His Pure Land. However, because everything is cause and effect, one who is not opened or not connected to Amida, cannot receive His blessings, just like a TV set cannot work if its not connected to a power outlet.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Conditions to be accepted as a student at Amidaji temple

Rev Josho Adrian Cirlea, founder
of Amidaji International Temple
the following also applies to people who ask occasional teachings from me, enter into discussion with me or visit Amidaji, without engaging in a long teacher-student relationship

I already explained this many times, but I think is better to state it again in more detail, so that people who wish to receive guidance from me know what should expect. So, first, read this, then decide if you wish to continue or not.

I believe in discipline when it comes to teaching and listening to Amida Dharma.
The main problem of international Jodo Shinshu sangha is doctrinal chaos and the fact that everybody can say and teach whatever one wants, and then every opinion no matter how false is accepted under the stupid idea of political correctness. This is wrongly understood freedom, or freedom without responsibility which leads to the proliferation of so many wrong views. However, this is NOT the way of Amidaji, and NOT my teaching style.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Si el Voto Primal de Amida es verdadero...

Shinran Shonin
traducido del inglés por 
Juan Sebastián Hincapié Arana

ShinranShonin dijo:

"Si el Voto Primordial de Amida es verdadero, la enseñanza de Shakyamuni no puede ser falsa. Si la enseñanza del Buda es verdadera, los comentarios de Shan-tao no pueden ser falsos. Si los comentarios de Shan-tao son ciertos, ¿pueden las palabras de Honen ser mentiras? Si Las palabras de Honen son ciertas, entonces seguramente lo que digo no puede estar vacío”. [1]

El Voto Primordial es verdadero. Esta es labase de nuestra fe y de todo el Dharma de Amida, que fue enseñado por Shakyamuni y por los Maestros en sucesión. Todo comienza con esto: el Voto Primordial es verdadero. Si nosotros aceptamos que el Voto Primordial es verdadero y confiamos en él sin duda alguna somos salvados; si no, esta vida en forma humana es desperdiciada:

Dharma talks on my youtube channel