-last revised October 16, 2021 -
Don’t busy yourself with them as Amida doesn’t take them into consideration. Your salvation has nothing to do with them. This is why Master Rennyo said that for the person of shinjin our negative karma is as if non-existent, in the sense that it will not become an obstacle to our attainment of Buddhahood in the Pure Land. This is also the meaning of “we attain Buddhahood without destroying blind passions”.
If bad thoughts arise in your mind, let them pass. It is not
in your power to stop them and is not even recommended that you stop your
thoughts, as this can bring mental problems. Just notice them and let them
pass. They are your karma, your karmic tendencies, conscious or unconscious. I
say they are “yours” because you are attached to them, identify yourself with
them and you try to fulfill them, but in reality they are like clouds in the
sky, impermanent and transitory.
Thoughts belong to nobody, so just leave them alone: you
don’t need to insist on acting on them or modifying them. Just rely on Amida Buddha
and say the Nembutsu. The object of your attention should be Amida’s promise
from His Primal Vow, not the various thoughts that wander in your mind.
If you experience good moments, say the Nembutsu. If you experience
bad moments, say the Nembutsu. There will always be something to happen to you
or appear into your mind. Don’t expect not to experience bad thoughts after
receiving shinjin (faith).
Take refuge in Amida Buddha and say His Name no matter the
state of mind you are in. Amida doesn’t take into consideration if you are in a
good, special, or bad state of mind. He knows who you are and that you need Him,
so don’t worry. He is your best friend, asking nothing from you.
Here is a wonderful poem by
Senmyo Wajo:
“When you are alone and hurt, recite Namo Amida Butsu.
When you feel the loneliest man in the world and you are depressed, again recite Namo Amida Butsu.
Namo Amida Butsu is for this ignorant person full of
blind passions.
When things are as they should, not good or bad, Namo
Amida Butsu.
Namo Amida Butsu is not recited for other people’s ears,
but it’s a Call between parent and child.
I hear Namo Amida Butsu with my ears,
Namo Amida Butsu I answer with my voice and my heart,
Namo Amida Butsu, recite even for ten times and sleep in
If you suddenly die, whenever and wherever you are,
You will go to your true home – the Pure Land of Enlightenment.
The meaning is that you will enter the Pure Land no matter where you are when
you die, so any place of death is a door to the Pure Land.
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