Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Change the focus on Amida

Many people try to "escape" suffering through drugs, alcohol or other addictions. However, there is a better way. Think to whatever happens to you as events in a dream and to Amida Buddha and His Name as the only reality. Then change the focus from those dreamlike experiences to the true and real.

Do not empower your feelings and various thoughts that appear in your mind, do not bother about them, do not pay attention to them, but change the focus to Amida and the saying of His Name (Nembutsu).

Your experiences, feelings, wandering thoughts and obsessions will naturally dissolve into the space of your mind if you do not focus on them. It is in their nature to appear and disappear like mist or clouds in the sky, however we prolong them indefinitely because of our clinging and identifying with them.

Please do not run from a dreamlike experience (your suffering and obsessions) to another dreamlike experience (drugs, alcohol, etc). If you do that you will only multiply your suffering.

Better recognize the difference between real and unreal, then chose the real. Change the focus on Amida and His Name.

Namo Amida Bu 

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