
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Amidaji holiday - Winter Ohigan (December 20 - 26)

Usually there are two Ohigan festivals ( literally meaning "to reach the other shore),  on spring and autumn ecquinox, but I decided to add another two for followers of Amidaji, in winter and summer solstice, so that people have more  opportunities for reflections and celebration.

This time of year is too much filled with worldly matters and celebrations dedicated to Christmas, so Nembutsu followers might benefit from having a Buddhist holiday of their own and give a Buddhist air to these days.

Winter Ohigan will last seven days, just like the other three, between December 20 to December 26. In this week you will have plenty of time to attend temple services and celebrate at home. During these days reflect on the changing nature of samsaric existence and wish even more to be born in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha. Decorate your house with images of the Pure Land, of Amida welcoming devotees, bring offerings of cakes, fruits and nonalchoholic drinks in the name of your family and your ancestors, encouraging them to entrust to Amida. Also be happy that because you have faith in Amida you will be able to guide them to faith even better once you reach the Pure Land yourself. Sooner or later, because one or two family members have faith, all one's friends and relatives (dead or alive) will reach the Pure Land and celebrate Ohigan together. The Ohigan in this world is just a shadow of the Ohigan that will follow in the Pure Land. This is why I establish "TOGETHER IN THE PURE LAND" as the slogan for all the four Ohigans celebrated by Amidaji friends and followers.

What if my friends or relatives invite me for Christmas party which falls during one of the days of Winter Ohigan?

My answer: If you have friends or relatives who celebrate Christmas and you wish to join them at meals do this with the thought that you are celebrating Winter Ohigan and be happy that one day, maybe  in this life or another life, due to yours and Amida guidance they too will embrace the same faith and will be born in the same Pure Land. 

Ohigan is also a period of joy which comes from the trust that Amida Buddha will never stop until He will bring all beings to His Pure Land. How extraordinary this is!

Question: Can I use a pine tree or branches of pine trees and other various winter specific decorations of this period?

My answer: Only if you want. If you use a pine tree decorate it with  images of Amida Buddha, of Shinran, Honen, the Pure Land, Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta, etc. Use any decoration you want but add Pure Land related images on it. Or simply abandon any specific winter decorations and invent something totally new. Just do whatever you want as long as you focus on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land. 

May you all have a Happy and Meaningful Winter Ohigan!
Together in the Pure Land!
Namo Amida Bu

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